Chapter 22

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A small girl sat in a classroom alone. Starting a new school was rough, but starting a new school where everyone hated you for your quirk was far worse. The rumours of a mind reading freak flood through corridors before the green haired girl even managed to sit down and the torment of Kokoro Hajime had begun. It was ironic really, considering not once had she read the minds of any of her classmates. It was better that way, she could make friends like a normal middle schooler and pass tests like a normal kid.

"I bet she cheats all the time." A kid said, not caring if the girl he was speaking of could hear.

"Definitely, and don't forget she knows all our secrets." Another boy added.

"Wait, does she know our crushes? She better not tell anyone, or I'll use my quirk on that nobody." A girl threatened.

Kokoro had hit rock bottom, and it was only her first week. Yes, she enjoyed alone time and didn't particularly want any of the low lives who were hating on her from a distance to even speak to her, but having friends was necessary for a kid. After all, human beings crave attention, regardless of how isolated some may be.

"You know she can hear you, right?" A girl stated. Her light, dirty-blonde hair hung in strands, framing her face. "It's rude to assume things without asking her first." She declared and walked towards the telepath, sitting eagerly on her desk.

"Hello?" Hajime tilted her head.

"Hi, I'm Himiko Toga." The blonde outstretched her hand, the green haired girl shook it hesitantly. "Before we become best friends, I need to know if you read our minds and cheat off our tests." The girl said, being as upfront as ever.

"No, I don't like reading peoples minds. It's annoying." Hajime answered.

"Well, there you go. Not a mind reading freak." Toga turned around to face the angered group of students. "Your names Kokoro, right?" She then asked.


"Then I'll call you Koko." Himiko declared. "Come on, we're eating lunch together." She then proceeded to drag her around.

For years, their friendship continued, and at some point, Hajime felt less and less obliged to follow Himiko around, instead, she did it willingly, as her friend. Toga was kind to the telepath, she always had been, even if she could be too overwhelming for her. However, deep down, Kokoro found it refreshing and even allowed Himiko to train with her, explaining her dream to become a hero, to which the blonde accepted with a smile on her face.

Eventually, Himiko began to change. There'd always been a mystique darkness to the blonde, but Hajime never pushed her and never read her mind. It would've been wrong for her to do so, after all they'd been through together. But that day happened to be the one to change her life.

"So what about hawks?" A girl with a grey afro and horns, Ima, asked. The strange gossip in Hajime's friend group sometimes concerned her, however, they were in middle school.

"Smash." Chiho instantly answered. "What? He's hot, okay." The brunette reasoned.

"He's a bird." The telepath deadpanned. Normally, she didn't bring down the mood so quickly, but she'd been experiencing headaches more than usual, something was changing, she could feel it.

'A bird? He is not a bird!' Chiho's thoughts echoed louder than Hajime often heard. Hajime was confused as to how she'd managed to hear them without using her quirk, then she heard the next thought.

'Typical Hajime, she always brings down the mood. I don't even know why Himiko keeps her around.' Ima rolled her eyes.

'Ugh I hate this school.'

'God, I want to drop dead.'

'It's too early.'

'-b +/-......'

'Maybe the Kamakaze pilot was just admiring the scenery. It's not that deep!'

The thoughts were storming through her like a plague, infecting every ounce of her being and sending the girl towards the ground. She'd never felt so overwhelmed before, she'd been able to control her quirk for so long, so why did it change now?

'Saito looked adorable with blood smeared across his face. I wonder what it tastes like? Will I look cute with his blood on my face?'

This new thought disturbed her enough to focus her concentration on Himiko Toga. That was her voice, her thought, her best friends inner voice. Hajime looked around frantically and then made a beeline towards the teachers office.

"I'm not feeling well is all. I'm just imagining things, Himiko wouldn't do that." She muttered before alerting the teachers of her headache and quirk malfunction.

She got to go home that day, but the hundreds of thoughts she was hearing were too much for her to handle. She couldn't sleep. She couldn't concentrate. And she couldn't get Himiko out of her head. Her thoughts were so vile, and the way she pictured the events she was describing shook Kokoro to the core. The telepath didn't care if her other friends hated her, it was insignificant in the grand scheme of things, besides, it was the last year of middle school anyways.

When the girl could finally think clearly, she told Ren and Hina everything she'd learned about her friend. They instantly panicked and phoned the blondes parents, neither seemed too surprised, more angry than anything. The call ended with the Toga's assuring that they'd have a word with Himiko, but only Hajime could tell how severe their words would be.

"Do you think you can manage going to school tomorrow, hunny? You managed to get more sleep last night, right?" Hina asked.

'It's probably better to get the confrontation over with, I don't want my Ko around that psychopath.' The mothers true thoughts revealed themselves.

"I don't plan on leaving Himiko alone." Kokoro stated. "She's my friend, I wanna help her. So I'm going to school today." She explained, beginning to pack her bag.

Truthfully, Hajime didn't know how she was going to help Toga, snitching on her probably made her hate Kokoro. Unfortunately, there was only one way to fully understand the situation, so the teen quickly made it to school, regardless of her parents worry. She didn't waste time listening to peoples thoughts on her journey, instead, she played music to try and tone them out, giving her the slightest moment of peace.

'Saito.' Hajime's ears twitched at this, it was Toga, no doubt about it. 'Be normal they said, I'll show them normal. My very first crush.' She said happily. 'I can't wait to see him bleed.'

"No!" Hajime yelled. She didn't know what to do, the school was still a short while away and her time was limited. So she ran. She ran as fast as she could. It was ironic really, most people would run in the opposite direction of a murderer, but Kokoro was different, her friend was that murderer. No matter what others told her, Himiko was still her friend.

According to Toga's thoughts, she'd already committed the unthinkable and Kokoro worried that there'd be no turning back from her actions, nevertheless, she kept running.

Until, finally, she found her.

Drinking the blood of Saito, with a look of ecstasy plastered across her face. She was enjoying her freedom, her mask had fallen.


Authors note: apologies for making it all in italics

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