Chapter 72

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Aizawa was a good teacher. It may have seemed as though he religiously ignored some of his students, but in reality, he was always aware. He knew their strengths and weaknesses, their likes and dislikes, and was even able to pick up on subtle changes amongst his students. For insistence, he knew something was bothering Hajime, but he couldn't pinpoint her exact struggle.

At first, he assumed it was the loss of her work study, which he didn't understand to begin with. A strong, logical student wouldn't chose to intern with such an unknown, incompatible hero that she probably didn't even admire. He couldn't deny he was happy when Hajime quit, not to mention when she handed him a signed form, confirming her placement in his work study invite. However, each time he tried intently to figure Hajime out, she'd avoid the confrontation, expecting him to ask the questions plaguing his mind.

"Shop robbery about to occur in a convenience store." The hero in training quickly informed her teacher, snapping him out of his trance.

"Are we the most appropriate response?" Eraser Head asked, wondering the distance and if any other heroes could make it sooner than them.

Concentrating, Kokoro predicted how to events would play out, realising that the chance of heroes noticing the robbery were slim. "Yeah. Follow me." She sprinted along the footpath and towards the destination, Aizawa catching up after he comprehended her words.

'In case you forgot, I'm in charge here.' He thought, knowing she could hear him loud and clear. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't aware that his student wasn't in the mood for his remarks. She'd changed, hero work became less about following orders and more about saving lives, like her previous hobby as Samurai.

"In case you forgot, lives are on the line. Order's are the least of my worries." She stated, eyes glued forwards and not daring to look at her obviously infuriated teacher.

Expecting a scolding that never came, Kokoro stopped outside of the convenience store, only to see that instead of a villain discretely robbing it, there was no one there other than the cashier. No thoughts clouded the room, meaning the attack was absent. "What?" She questioned in disbelief. Yet, she knew she wasn't wrong. She saw the villains thoughts, heard his illusions of the future and felt him toying with the gun in his pocket.

"Brain-Wave, is there a problem?" Aizawa asked, he was unsure what was happening, but he knew better than to believe her mind reading was wrong. So maybe they were missing something.

"He's-" Kokoro began, but was interrupted by the sick and twisted thoughts that she'd heard previously.

'Shit, why are there heroes here? They're ruining everything.' Frantically, Kokoro's eyes travelled to find the inner voice. 'And look at that cashier, I could've had both her and the damn money. No worry, they won't be here tonight. I can take what I deserve later.'

That's when Kokoro's piercing golden eyes latched onto her enemy. A scrawny man, no doubt with a weak quirk and body, stood lingering beside an ATM, seemingly inconspicuous to the naked eye. Still, Hajime knew better. He was the one with those revolting thoughts. And if she didn't do anything to stop him, he'd be back for what he came for.

'Scrawny guy, 3 o'clock.' She communicated to Aizawa, who averted his gaze to the ATM.

"What about him?" He wondered, surely Kokoro wasn't implying what he thought she was.

"You already know what." The student revealed. "He's gonna rob this place. He has a gun in his pocket that he's planning to waltz into the convenience store with. Then, he's gonna aim it at the cashier, who will give him all the money he desires. If he's feeing lucky, then he'll take the cashier with him. You know the rest."

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