Chapter 70

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Kokoro's eyes fluttered open and she instantly noticed someone's hand running through her hair. It was Shinsou, sat on her bed, waiting patiently for her to wake up. However, she was sure that he was on edge, if she made any wrong move, he would possibly tell a teacher, which was the last thing she wanted.

"Hitoshi?" The girl asked softly, seeing if he was fully awake and ready to hear her story.

"Ko, how are you feeling?" He replied.

'She's awake now, maybe I should get a teacher?'

"No, don't do that." She read his mind. "I'll show you what happened, but you can't freak out, and you have to swear not to tell anyone, otherwise I'll have to leave. And I really want to avoid doing that."

"Is it something I should be worried about?"

"Not anymore, I'm not doing it again. I promise. I'll be a hero. I'll try and change the world that way."

"Okay." He lifted her hand and put it against his temple. "Show me."

So she did.

Kokoro showed him her encounter with Hawks, then how she first met Aya. Her training and experience meeting and becoming Samurai player to him like a film, but it was far from over. The next images flashing through his mind were from the attack earlier, where she sustained her injuries and helped Aizawa. It all traveled to the point when she walked back through her dorm door to meet Hitoshi. That's when she ended the vision.

Shinsou was lost for words, he'd tried to speak, but muffled noises escaped his lips instead. In that moment, none of them knew what to do.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around the girl, the only way in which he knew how to comfort her. "Ko..."

"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't think it would end up like this." She understood what he was trying to say. "But you can't tell anyone, I don't think it'll end well for me."

"Can I ask a question?" Shinsou tried to negotiate. "Actually, if I'm going to keep your secret then I think I deserve to know everything."

"I don't know what else you want to know? I've showed you everything."

"Why didn't you tell me any of this?" He chose his first question.

"I-" Hajime tried to think, but words were absent. "What would you have done if I did?"

"Good point, I wouldn't have been overly supportive." Hitoshi replied with understanding. "So, what do we do now?"

"Destroy everything."

"What? That's illegal. We should just go to the police, say it was a misunderstanding." He tried to alternate, Kokoro only shook her head. "Technically, you've done nothing illegal. You have a hero license, and you've saved people."

"A while ago, Iida tried to kill the hero killer, he got out with a slap on the wrist. But this is a different situation. Vigilantes are a threat to the hero commission, they know that. In addition to the fact I'm also a telepath who knows their secrets, it'll be beneficial to them to put me behind bars. Even if I do get out of it, I'll surely be kicked out of U.A." She explained. "Aya told me to burn everything, so that's my plan."

"Did Aya also tell you to become Samurai? because if that's true, I don't think she gives the best advise."

"You don't have to come along, I'll do it myself."

"And your injuries? Someone will notice. Plus you'll be in pain." He asked.

"I'll numb them, and after a training session, I'll purposely injure myself so I can see Recovery Girl. She won't know she's actually fixing my other injuries up." Kokoro theorised, but Shinsou had an argument for that too.

"How are you planning on training with an injury like that? You could rip your stitches open. And won't your classmates notice when you're changing into your hero suit?"

"I'll mask myself."

"So you've got this all thought out, huh?" He scoffed. "Guess I'm the only miscalculation."

Upon technicality, he was right. Hitoshi's presence was a miscalculation, she'd completely forgotten about promising to train him and was too worn out to predict him being there. However, he did save her life. "You're right, but then again, without you, I don't know what might've happened to me. In fact, I'd probably be dead. But right now, I don't have time to worry about what could've happened, I need to fix this before it's too late."

"What do you mean 'too late'?"

"People are still looking for Samurai, which is why everything needs to disappear." Said the girl, getting to her feet and wincing slightly at the pain. "Will you help me?" She wondered. "You don't have to, by doing this, you'll technically be an accomplice and potentially face consequences. But on the other hand, I have a full proof plan that will guarantee none of us would ever get caught."

Hitoshi paused. His girlfriend was asking him for help, something that rarely happened. However, given the dire situation, he wasn't too surprised. Hesitantly, Shinsou nodded his head. "I'll help you, but I really don't want to get caught for this."

"Don't worry, my identity comes second to you." She assured and emptied her bin, placing the bag to the side.

"What are you doing?"

"Can you go into my bathroom and get the bleach? It's under the sink." She politely asked as she prepared the next steps to her plan. When Hitoshi came back, bleach in hand, she took it from him and poured it into her bucket-like bin. Next, when the bottle was emptied, she dumped her Samurai clothes into it, leaving out the swords, mask and hat.

"Now what?"

"Now we wait, tomorrow we'll need to deliver these to the bins, we need a random location. I say we go on a date and I pack this shit in my backpack, then we'll drop it off somewhere. By then, I might be get healed, but I can't be certain."

"Ok, I'm starting to see where you're going with this." Shinsou finally understood. "And you'll mask us while we drop off the cargo?"

"You read my mind." She nodded. "Soon, this whole mess will be over. But until then, you should go back to your dorm and get some rest, I know you haven't been sleeping lately."

"You're one to talk. The only times you sleep is when I brainwash you, or more recently, you pass out from blood loss." He retorted, unamused by her realistic comment.

"Guilty, but still, you could at least lay down and relax. Maybe wrap your head around everything for a while, I can tell you're confused." She advised.

"I'll think about it."

'What's the point in laying there and staring at a ceiling for hours on end, she of all people should be able to relate to that feeling.'

Kokoro ignored his mental note and instead focused on the plan, it clearly took more priority than their non-existent sleep schedule. "Ok, I'll text you about the date once I've figured a few thing out." She spoke louder than usually, holding the door open so whoever was close by could hear her.

"But seriously, I'm extremely grateful. Thank you, for everything." She communicated only to him, giving him a slight smile which he managed to return, regardless of his ulterior emotions.

'I would say "anytime" but I don't exactly want to make this a regular thing.'

"I can guarantee you that it definitely won't happen again, especially not anytime soon."

"See you later then, Ko." Shinsou waved, leaving the girl alone with her own thoughts.

"Bye, Hitoshi."


Authors note

Sorry I've not been updating too frequently anymore, but I've got to admit I like the plot to my other fanfics a little more than this one. Hopefully when I'm out of this phase I'll be more prone to write.

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