Chapter 36

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"Let's return to a short clip from the U.A high school press conference that just wrapped up." A news reporter said from the small screen in the corner or the bar. The situation outside wasn't ideal, Kokoro could hear the thoughts and the clashing opinions. They were playing straight into the villains hands.

"We are here, to apologise. A recent incident allowed harm to come to 27 first year students. We staff, were ill prepared. We take responsibility for any trauma caused by our negligence. It's our duty to train heroes, but also to protect heroes in training." Mr Aizawa bowed down, along with Vlad King.

"I'll take the first question." A reporter introduced. "Since the beginning of the year, you're U.A students have had four encounters with villains. This time, there were student who were gravely injured. How did you explain this to their families?" The man asked, which brought something Hajime hadn't even considered to mind. Her family were probably in ruins, once she got out of this, they'd never let her attend U.A again. These villains were not only trying to kill her, but even if they failed, her future was gone.

"And what are some of the specific steps you're taking to ensure their safety in the future." Another reporter added.

"We will increase patrols around the school grounds, and review security measures within the school. The safety of U.A students is our main priority, make no mistake about it." The principal said.

Just then, Shigaraki turned off the television, turning to the students for their thoughts. "Isn't that strange? The heroes are becoming the bad guys. Seems like they're not dealing with this very well at all. So much criticism, but everyone makes a mistake or two, right? It's not like they're supposed to be perfect. Modern day heroes sure have it rough. Don't you think, Bakugo, Hajime?"

"Once a hero receives payment to protect people, they aren't a real hero anymore." A lizard man leaned against the wall, unfortunately, the telepath saw his point exactly. "That's what Stains actions taught us."

Bingo, a weakness Kokoro could exploit. "Stain, huh?" She taunted. "I fought him, along with a few friends. In fact, I'm one of the only reasons he's behind bars. I must admit, I was shocked to find out that he was connected to the league. But then again, so were you. Right, Tomura?" She tilted her head, slightly shaking the cuffs around her hands and feet.

"What does that mean?" The lizard, Spinner asked.

"Oh, I assumed you knew." The telepath answered, then glared at Shigaraki. "Your boss wanted Stain dead, that's partially why he released the Nomu. When he sees something he doesn't like, he destroys it." With everyone slightly turned against one another, there could be a good enough distraction for the pro's to intervene, but even so, it was a long shot.

"You weren't with Mr Stainy?" Toga questioned, a few more members turning against the leader.

"We didn't get along." Shigaraki gave in. "But only because I saw the big picture and was willing to take the next step, meanwhile, he was stuck in the same cycle. What good is killing low threat pros when you can aim big." He continued, his counter attack to the telepath was well planned. "We didn't get along, but our goal was the same. A hero in this current system only cares about money and glory. And since society buys into those idiotic rules, anyone deemed a loser is shoved aside. So we want to pose some questions. What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly fair? Soon, everyone will be asking. Thats when we'll know we've won. And you like winning, don't you?" He aimed at the two hero students.

'Don't just stare at him. Send a message to the pro's.' Bakugo ordered.

"I did, twenty minutes ago." She replied.

"Dabi, let them go." Shigaraki then commanded the scarred man.

"Huh? You know they'll just fight." He refused.

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