Chapter 21

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The infirmary was always refreshing to wake up in, a shocking reminder that even at her strongest moments, Hajime was still weak. But today was different. Her power felt different, and all the uncertainty was annoying to the girl who once told herself she knew everything.

Slowly, Hajime lifted her head, feeling her energy slowly drain from her, a side effect of being healed by recovery girl. Even though she felt fatigued, she was grateful for the pain to finally ease.

"Thanks." She spoke, her voice a little strained from the amount of shouting she put herself through during the practical exam. Thankfully, her efforts payed off, she passed.

"Thank you very much recovery girl, I think I feel better." Izuku followed up, his condition was a little worse than Hajime's, but no permanent damage was made. Unlike the telepaths hands.

"All Might, you really don't know how to hold back. If you'd hit these students any harder, you would've caused permanent damage." The elderly hero hit All Might with her stick. "Poor Midoriya's back was horrible, I was almost unable to heal it. And Hajime was so cut up, some of her damage will scar. Bakugo will be out for a while. For now, the three of you should stay here and rest."

"Yes ma'am." Midoriya replied as All Might coughed, maybe the telepath was a little to violent when it came to his wound. Besides, he probably received it doing a heroic act, it wasn't fair to manipulate him like that.

'You're so much stronger than when we first met that sometimes I hardly recognise you, Midoriya. Young Bakugo, the same goes for you, do you realise that you were able to smile in the face of defeat. And Hajime, I don't know whether to be scared or proud, you're improving faster than I thought possible. I can't wait, to see how much stronger you all get.' The pro thought.

"Hajime, that reminds me, what happened out there?" He asked the teen, who only shrugged and looked at him with the same curiosity. "I couldn't move, not even a muscle. And your eyes told me that you definitely had something to do with it."

"My quirks getting stronger, it has been since I got it. The last spontaneous power up I had was about a year ago. Believe it or not, I actually learned how to control my mind reading in middle school, I could choose not to invade peoples personal lives. But one second later and everything changed." She said with despair. "I'm sorry about the whole stabby thing. But you did throw me into a window, break my arm, throw me about a mile into the air and let me fall, throw me onto the floor, drag my unconscious body and then tossed me towards my teammates, and don't get me started on their injuries." She listed.

'Crap I did all of that to a teenage girl.' He panicked.

"Don't worry, at least when I go up against real villains, I'll know they won't be as thorough as you."  She managed to smiled.

"Um, Hajime." Midoriya alerted the girl. "What do you mean spontaneous power ups?" He asked.

"You wanna put me in your notebook, don't you?" The girl deadpanned.

"You're already in my notebook." He answered truthfully.

'That doesn't make it any better.' She mentally scolded, narrowing her eyes .

Reluctantly, the telepath sighed and gave him a bit of insight. "When I first developed my quirk, I could only hear other peoples inner voice, you know. Then, a year later, I started to hear multiple thoughts from each person. Next I could zoom in, look deep into peoples heads and find out things that even they couldn't remember, but that took a lot of work. The process kept continuing, it got to the point where I didn't even have to concentrate to know everything about someone. Last year was a little more of a drawback, I lost control of my telepathy, I couldn't turn it off, what's worse was that I could hear hundreds of thoughts at once. Overwhelming, I know. And now, I guess this just happened." She gestured around her.

"Hm, so your quirk evolves." He put pen to paper, writing every single detail. "At least the timing worked out, now you can practice it at training camp."

"I guess." She turned towards the nurse, hoping she could get away while she still could. "Recovery girl, am I cleared to leave? I'm meeting a friend, don't wanna be late."

The elderly hero thought for a moment before coming to a quick conclusion. "Fine, no fighting, no training, and no pushing yourself. I managed to heal most your cuts, but your hands were disgraceful, so scarring is inevitable." She advised.

The teen nodded and began moving her stiff body, the arm that was once broken was wrapped in bandages, not needing a sling because of recovery girls fast working quirk. Hurriedly, Kokoro got out of her hero suit and placed her uniform neatly back on, grabbing her phone to check if there were any missed calls. To her dismay, there were five.

"Hitoshi?" She hoped he would willingly reply.

'I've been waiting for twenty minutes, I was beginning to wonder if you weren't gonna show.' He responded.

"Sorry, I'll explain it when I see you. I'm on my way to the gates." She then exclaimed, knowing his whereabouts by having a quick scan of his mind.

It was rude of her to leave him waiting for so long, regardless of the true reasoning. Yet she assured him that there was a valid explanation, her unhealed wounds would demonstrate that, along with her new quirk updates. She didn't know how it worked, or why it even happened. Her power was telepathy, that's how it's always been, so why did that happen to All Might? Why did he do exactly what she demanded? She didn't know.

"Hitoshi." She called out. "Sorry I'm late, I almost died." She joked, not really.

"Huh? You need to stop exaggerating." The boy rolled his eye.

"No, this is after Recovery Girls healing, and look at all these bandages. But the good news is, I passed." She smiled.

"Cmon, I know a place we can celebrate." Shinsou grabbed her hand with enthusiasm and dragged her towards his favourite cafe.

It didn't take the two long to arrive and Hajime waited to show his all the details to her practical exam, promising not to spare a single detail. "Okay, so I'm going to project everything I saw, into your head." She explained the process. "Don't worry, it's not gonna hurt. But also, slight trigger warning for gruesome scenes." She warned, placing her fingertips onto both sides of Shinsou's head. She'd done it before, showing her Auntie exactly what happened when she missed Christmas one year, and loved the gift ever since.

"Hold on, what did you do?" He asked her, his eyes still closed, but Kokoro knew exactly what he was referring to. "You just asked him to stop? And he did it?" He continued to pry.

"It's my quirk, it manifested something new today, I didn't know I could even do that." She answered, then explained the nature of most her abilities. "I was actually happy when my quirk evolved, it mostly gave me more power. But last year was shitty." She took a sip of her coffee. "May I?" Hajime then asked, placing her fingertips on the boys head once again.

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