Chapter 50

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"Look who it is. Kokoro Hajime. I always assumed you ran off and joined the circus, either that, or you finally became a villain." The girl laughed, causing Hajime to glare at her.

"I was actually busy attending U.A." She countered. "Pity. You didn't make the cut, Hana Yamamoto." She said with sarcasm.

"I'm surprised they accepted you at all, honestly, they must know how much of a freak you are, right? That's why they bumped you down into general studies. Deep down, they know you aren't cut out to be a hero. Even that stupid league of villains saw it. So why are you here?" Hana asked, laying down her point thickly.

"Hey babe." Another student from Hajime's middle school arrived, it was Ogawa, Hana's boyfriend. "Wow, never thought I'd see you again, mindfucker." He joined in.

"It was a disappointment for me too." Hajime added. She'd always hated everyone from her middle school, but both Hana and Ogawa were the worst of the worst, because unlike the other bullies, they had the potential to become heroes.

"Little birdy told me that you came second in the sports festival." Hana stated. "Well, why don't you prove it to us?"

"Just look it up or some shit. Idiots." Kokoro mumbled.

"No, I meant, did you cheat your way to that position? Or do you deserve to be second?"

"Who are you to even judge that?" Kokoro questioned. "You're just a nobody, you don't matter. So why are you picking a fight with me?"

"You bitch!" Hana yelled, but her boyfriend intervened.

"What Hana is trying to say, is that she wants to fight you. She wants to know if you're actually stronger than her, or not, just to boost her confidence. I'm sure you won't mind? Right?" Ogawa wondered.

'All she has to do is say yes, then we've got her. There's five of us here in total, some from different schools, but as long as we have the goal of taking down Hajime, we'll surely get her. It'll be an ambush, over in no time. Then we'll see who the villain is. Just like middle school.' Hana thought over her plan, informing Hajime of it too.

They were idiots to think that she wouldn't find out, but she had to give them credit for their confidence. They always managed to get under her skin. Clenching her fists, Hajime decided she'd had enough. If she was going to be a hero, there was no way she would let simple minded bullies achieve the same dream as her so effortlessly. So she'd go along with their plan, and show them exactly who they were messing with.

"Fine." Hajime smirked. "I'll play along, but don't cry when it's over."

The telepath knew she would win. She'd fought villains, she'd beaten Stain, and she'd won a fight against All Might. There wasn't a snowballs chance in hell she would let herself be bested by Hana and her friends. Not again.

"Fine, meet us under the bridge. We wouldn't want any interruptions would we?" Hana smiled.

"Nope. Just you and me." Hajime played along.

After the two bullies had left to tell the rest of the ambush, Hajime rendezvoused with the rest of her class, who seemed to be strategising together. Midoriya knew the task ahead was difficult, Hajime had already warned him, she he was taking charge of the situation.

"Everyone, stick together, we'll fight them as a group." Deku instructed.

"Yeah, whatever, this isn't a field trip." Bakugo wandered off.

"Hey, wait up." Kirishima and Kaminari followed him.

"I'm going on my own too, it's hard for me to use my powers when others are around." Todoroki ran away to find distance between the group and him.

"Same here." Hajime interjected. "I have some unfinished business I need to attend." She explained and began to jog away.

"Hajime, but it's better to stick together, trust me." Midoriya tried to convince.

"The last time I trusted you, I ended up kidnapped." Hajime turned down, she didn't like it when others pretended to know best. "I'm going to pass this exam my own way."

Just like that, she let her legs carry her to the bridge, she'd caught up with Bakugo and the others, but there wasn't time to converse, so the two groups kept on running. Until finally, Hajime approached the destination.

Authors note

Shorter chapter, but the next one will have more action in. This was basically just to separate Hana's interaction and the fight.

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