Author's Note

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Hey guys, thank you so much for choosing to read my book. I just wanted to say that this is a Mafia Romance book. It will contain sensitive subjects, however I will not be giving any warnings as to when they will come up during the book, only because I feel as it takes away the intensity of the book.

Yes this book will contain smut, but please don't judge, this will be my first time writing it so bare with me. I might come back and change a few things down the track. All my work will be unedited, so if you see a mistake do not hesitate to tell me

If any racial, sexual or just rude comments are made, you will be reported. I want this to be a safe zone from all those things.

Also all Italian will be Google translated. I don't speak Italian so bare with me.

Anyways, thank you again and enjoy the book. :)


Note Published: 09/04/22

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