30 | Naked

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It's been about two months since the incident with Scarface. I have got almost full movement in my arm, fingers and knee. Thanks to the physiotherapist that Lorenzo supplied me.

Me and Enzo have been taking things slow like I asked him to. To a certain extent. But that doesn't mean he hasn't stopped me from sleeping in his bed each night, waiting for him to come home from the office. He told me that he's working on something that he's going to announce to everyone shortly. I'm usually asleep by the time he comes home, but when he quietly crawls into the large kingsized bed, wraps his arms around my waist and gives me a light kiss. I usually stir and move into his embrace.

I'm currently laying in Enzo's bed after just waking up. The early morning sun rays break through the gaps in the curtain and blind me. Despite me sleeping in his bed every night the sheets still smell exactly like him. The whole room does. This is how it has been for the past week. Waking up and going to sleep without him next to me.

He tries to text me at every chance he gets and he's constantly apologising for his absence. He's also constantly assuring me that his absence does have a legitimate reason and that good will come out of it.

I groan as I get out of the warmth of the bed, walking into the bathroom and doing my morning routine of brushing my hair and brushing my teeth. I won't have breakfast for like another hour.

I walk down the steps and meet the wide shoulders of Domenico standing in the entryway, reading something off of a tablet.

"Morning Dom. What are you doing? Or going?" I take in his outfit. Head to toe in tactical gear, bulletproof vest, two gun holsters and steel cap combat boots.

"Your boyfriend has ordered a kill. Don't worry. They deserve it. Tell Ma I'll be back before dinner." And with that, he places the tablet on the small table beside the huge double doors and makes his way towards the garage.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I walk over to the tablet and turn it on. There is no lock on it, which is stupid in cases like this. The tab was still open when the device unlocks. The image of a middle-aged man fills the screen. I recognise him immediately. I recognise him from when I stormed into my Father's office and asked him if he killed Enzo's Father.

Surprise, surprise. He also takes part in trafficking. And Dom is about to go kill him. It doesn't state in the profile where Dom might be going, but I know where I'm going.

I make my way back up the stairs and change into a more presentable outfit with the clothes that my brothers brought me from our old house in Italy. It's strange to think of it as our old home. But this is our new home. Here in New York.

Andre and Adriano have settled in well and have found their own place. There is still some tension between the brothers from each family, but other than that everything is smooth sailing.

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