27 | Misjudgment can get you killed

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My whole body is aching. Apart from my broken collarbone, Scarface has broken a few of my fingers, punched me some more, dislocated my right shoulder, shattered my left knee and punched me even more. Oh, and broke my nose I think. I can't really feel my face.

He stands in the corner of the room laughing at me as he wipes his hands clean of my blood. The pool of blood surrounding Domenico grows by the minute. He still isn't moving, but the faint movement of his chest tells me he's barely breathing.

Footsteps echo through the room as two people walk down. They stop at the door and faint words are exchanged between the two. Then the door opens revealing Lorenzo. There's someone behind him but Lorenzo's tall frame blocks them from my view.

Lorenzo frowns at my state, then his whole face goes red with anger. Domenico was certainly correct when he said Scarface was crossing the line. Lorenzo's gaze rakes over me, then his sight catches the puddle of blood, and then he sees his brother's unconscious body.

"I understand the whole 'having soundproof torture rooms', but under circumstances like this, they are very inconvenient," I mutter, breathless as I feel more blood slowly trickle down my leg.

Lorenzo's furious gaze shifts to Scarface, who is happily leaning against the concrete wall.

"What did you not understand? No blood. No wounds. And certainly do not try to kill my brother." He roars.

"Against your better judgement. I thought this would be more effective." Scarface smirks.

Lorenzo chuckles coldly, so cold I shiver against the metal chair. I see a head pop up from behind Lorenzo. Adriano.

I close my eyes in relief, hoping that I'm not hallucinating from blood loss and that my brother is really here.

The muffled sound of a gun fills the room. Pushing my eyes open I watch as Scarface's body drops to the ground with a bullet between his eyes. Lorenzo pockets the gun and moves over to his brother.

"Get your sister. We'll take them both to the infirmary." Lorenzo says quickly as he hauls Domenico's massive frame onto his shoulders. How did he do that? Adriano takes a knife from the table and cuts the rope around my hands and ankles.

"Can you stand?"

"What kind of fucking question is that?" I snap at my brother. He rolls his eyes at his own stupid question and pulls me into his embrace. I wince when the pressure of Adriano holding me reaches my collarbone.

"I'm sorry." He mutters sympathetically.

We all make our way up to the main floor and walk into a part of the house I hadn't thought to explore. Lorenzo pushes a double set of doors open and lays Domenico's limp body onto the nearest bed, which is then wheeled out of the room by a doctor.

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