9 | Who?

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I was woken up by my alarm at 6 am and got ready for the day. I have to go back to Volt and interview a new bartender.

The club wouldn't be able to manage without at least 6 bartenders, so I have to find one quickly. I also have to contact the family of the ass that drugged Daniella and tell them the situation and transfer some money into their account for any troubles.

Ma also has an event that all designers and extended guests attend for fashion week. It's kind of like a big dinner. She told me that one of the other designers is the wife of Alberto Marino, the leader of our rival mafia.

She said that under any circumstances we are not allowed to fight. His sons and daughters will be there but he, unfortunately, won't. I've seen his sons once before when I was about 7 years old, but that was before my Father and he had a business falling out. Didn't exactly end well for my old man.

I remember playing with them as kids but I never met his daughters. Probably because they were too young and us boys played too rough.

I'm currently eating a bowl of cereal at the outdoor table. I hear the back door open but don't turn around. Daniella comes into my view as she sits down and leans her head against my shoulder. She's wearing a huge shirt, which I'm assuming was Carlo's. I bet he didn't even let her sleep in her own bed last night.

"I told you that you shouldn't have gone to the club."

She groans and weakly hits my chest. I chuckle in response.

It's my job as a brother to give her shit, even when she's weak.

She sighs beside me and I can practically hear the gears in her brain turning.

"What's wrong, spit it out," I say taking another bite of my breakfast.

"What happened to him?"

I immediately know she's talking about the bartender.

"He was dealt with. He messed with my Sorellina and it wasn't to go unnoticed." I explain, she sits up and looks at me.

"You killed him?"

"You're my sister, no man messes with you. But to be honest, I didn't kill him, Dom did."

"Then I guess I'll have to thank him."

I smile softly at her. She knows what would have happened to him anyway. We both get up, I make my way into the kitchen and Daniella goes somewhere else. I tip the leftover milk down the sink and start washing out my bowl and rising other dishes that people left on the sink.

Domenico and Giovanni enter the kitchen, Gio grabs an apple from the bowl of fruit on the counter, he pulls out a stool and sits down. Dom goes to the fridge and pulls out the bottle of juice, grabs a glass, and pours himself a drink.

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