52 | I Failed You

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Enzo holds the front door open for me once we get home. Emery is sound asleep in my arms when I walk through the foyer. The house is filled with chatter just like it was before everyone left.

Enzo discards the overnight bag and the baby carrier to the side before walking with me towards the kitchen. He hasn't stopped smiling since Em was born. The moment she would start crying or fidgeting in her cot at the hospital, he was right there lifting her into his arms.

Fortunately, Emery was born a perfectly healthy baby so there was no need for us to stay an extra night at the hospital.

Our family were all sitting outside at the large outdoor table. Enzo gets the door for me again, the noise of the door opening turning everyone's attention to me. I watch my Mother and Giana's faces light up as smiles grace my brothers' lips. Dom looks terrified, and Gio and Ric have an awkward smile on their faces. My sister and Dani start gushing over how tiny she is. And then I meet the eyes of Marcello and something tugs at my chest.

My Mother comes up beside making me pull my gaze from my ex-bodyguard.

"È perfetta, Aria. Lei è la combinazione perfetta di entrambi." She whispers, brushing the back of her finger along her cheek. Emery stirs slightly in my hold before slightly opening her big doe eyes. My mother gasps and looks up between me and Enzo. "Oh mio Dio. I suoi occhi." (She's perfect Aria. She's the perfect combination of both of you.; Oh my god. Her eyes.)

"Would you like to hold her?" I offer. My mother graciously accepts and cradles my daughter tightly against her chest. The majority of our family surrounds her to either get a look at her eyes or just a general look. She is carefully passed around as me and Enzo sit down and try to relax.

From the corner of my eye, I watch Marcello quietly stand and walk off the patio, heading towards the back of the garden. I release my hand from Enzo's grip and tell him I'll be back shortly.

I follow him through the small maze and find him sitting against one of the stone statues.

Leaves crunch under my shoes, startling him and causing him to drop his Zippo lighter. He huffs out a laugh before picking up the metal lighter and pocketing it along with the cigarette he had hanging from his lips.

"You always were so quiet."

I don't say anything as I walk closer to him and take a seat next to him, resting my back against the hard stone. The fountain trickles slowly and fills the silence between me and Marcello.

"I haven't seen you in ages," I state quietly. He looks down at me and lets out a defeated sigh. He pulls his packet of cigarettes back out and lights one up. He takes a deep drag.

"I've been busy helping Adriano-"

"Don't make excuses Marcello." He blushes slightly with the embarrassment of being caught. "Why are you avoiding me?" I ask softly.

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