41 | Preparations and the Fountain

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"Ouch." I hiss through my teeth, turning my head to look down at my shoulder. "You just pricked me."

Ma glares up at me, her hands on her hips. "Quit your fucking whining. Aria doesn't need two babies to look after." She reaches back up to pin my suit jacket.

The wedding is in two days but with all the prep, including the large amount of food that Aldina has already started cooking, Ma hasn't had the chance to 'alter my suit'. I personally think it's fine. Just like the flowers I thought look fine for the reception, but clearly, my judgement is off when it comes to these types of things.

Ma moves around me to start pinning up my other shoulder. She's already done my pants and the sleeves of the jacket and that wasn't just the prick she's given me today.

A crash of pot and pans echo through the house making both me and Ma look up. Aldina's voice booms through the house. A colourful string of Italian as she tells Gio to stop eating the food.

It eventually quiets down and Ma continues pinning and stabbing me with needles. I may or not have kept Aria up all night last night so she is still currently sleeping even though it's late in the afternoon.

"All done. Now take them off so I can fix it." Ma gestures for me to give her the jacket and the pants. I hand her the jacket and run off to the nearest bathroom to change out of the pants and into the pair I had been wearing earlier.

I return the pants to Ma, only to have her order me into the kitchen to help Aldina with the food.

Walking into the kitchen I'm immediately hit with the smell of fresh tomatoes and herbs. Good thing Aria isn't down here. Gio sits at one of the stools, watching Aldina's every move. And the food.

Aldina quickly puts me to work cutting carrots. Five whole bags to be exact. And the big bags, not the small ones.

Luckily for Aldina, who's doing all the cooking while Ma does the dresses and suits, we are getting someone else to make the cake. It gets delivered early on the day of the wedding. So all focus is on the food that is being served at the reception.

While Aldina starts frying off celery and onion in a large pan, I'm only halfway through dicing and peeling the carrots. The scent of tomato and herbs are soon replaced by the smell of celery and onion.

By the time I've finished with the carrots, Aldina is already putting me in charge of the mushrooms. Aria appears in the entryway of the kitchen in my t-shirt that she threw on this morning. And for her sake and mine I hope she's wearing a pair of shorts under that shirt.

"Good sleep?" I stop cutting the mushrooms and walk over to her. She gives me a tired smile but still nods. She wraps her arm around my neck and pulls me down for a kiss. I keep it PG even though I want to turn it MA 18+ the moment our lips touch. I'm practising for this weekend.

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