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8 and a half months later

My toes curl as Enzo thrusts into me. Em has just gone down for her afternoon nap and both Dani and Alessia are out of the house. It's been at least a week since me and Enzo have had some time to ourselves.

Enzo grunts into my neck as he draws back and then pistons his hips forward. My hands grip his shoulders tightly and my nails dig into his skin. Heat fills my belly and my clit throbs when Enzo's mouth latches onto my nipple.

His teeth graze the hard and sensitive flesh. I arch my back, pushing my chest further into his warm, wet mouth. He thrusts into me again, changing his angle so that he brushes again my clit on each downward thrust.

I whimper at the overstimulation but find myself wanting more as Enzo slows his thrusts just to taunt me. I hike my legs higher and wrap them around his torso, my heels digging into the firm flesh of his ass.

"Fuck Enzo. Faster." I breathe heavily, my fingers thread through his hair and I roughly pull onto the strands. Our gazes clash in a heated stare and I can't help but smile. Enzo smirks down at me as he starts to pick up the pace.

Regardless of how many times Enzo fucks me, I'm always mesmerised by the way his muscular body moves on top of me. Or under me.

I hear Em whine through the baby monitor and both me and Enzo freeze on the messy bed, waiting for her to make another noise. I'm still frozen in my place when Enzo starts to place sloppy kisses on my neck and chest. My skin starts to grow warm again but I force myself to listen closely to the monitor.

"She's asleep, Sweet Cheeks. Relax and let me take care of you." He thrust his hips forward to try and prove his point. His deep husky voice sends bolts of pleasure straight to my core, urging me to meet his thrusts.

It doesn't take long for us to find a frantic rhythm. My hands trace the straining muscles of Enzo's back. Enzo holds my hips with one hand, while the other cages me in, fisting the sheets in a tight grip.

"Enzo," I kiss my way up the column of his neck. "I'm so close." I pant and start to lose my rhythm with Enzo's thrusts. Enzo's hand on my hip moves down between us and rubs tight, harsh circles on my clit. His head dips down and takes one of my nipples into his mouth again. The overstimulation gets to me and I'm done for.

I cry out as my release hits me hard. My back bows off of the bed and my nails dig further into Enzo's back. His hips stutter against mine before he finds his climax. He fills me with his cum, groaning into my neck he stills and drops his weight onto me.

I welcome the feel of his and hold him close as we both come down from our high.

The front door slams shut and echoes through the house. Neither Dani nor Alessia would slam doors unless their pissed but my brothers would do it no matter their mood. I swear under my breath and silently tell Enzo to get off of me by pushing slightly. He rolls over onto his back and lets out a content sigh.

"My brothers are here." I groan and roll off the mattress, moving over to my clothes that Enzo had pulled off me before and getting changed. Enzo follows shortly after. The front door slams shut again. Em wakes up and starts crying. After getting changed I walk down the stairs while Enzo veers left and heads towards Em's room.

I spot Andre before Adriano, who's rustling through the fridge looking for food. Adriano is sitting at one of the stools next to Ilya, who's colouring in a colouring book. My brother is hunched over with his hands in his hair and pulling tightly in the strands. When Andre emerges from the fridge with his arms full of food and leftovers.

"You woke up Em," I grumble and walk behind Ilya, threading my fingers through his blond hair and returning the smile he gives me and taking a seat next to Adriano.

Ilya has only been living with us for a few months and most of the time he's watching Marvel movies, colouring in or listening to music. Which is what he's been doing for the past four hours. And thank god he has his music up loud enough to have not heard me of Enzo.

I turn to my eldest brother, he lifts his head and turns his head slightly to face me. He looks pale and the tired bags under his eyes remind me of when I saw him for the first time after Enzo took me and Alessia.

We hold each other's stare for a while before he puts his head back down. I look up at Andre who's munching away on a piece of chicken.

"You're gonna freak out when he tells you." He says before going back to the food in his hand. I look back down at my eldest brother with alarm.

"Adriano?" I place a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong fratello?"

He goes to speak but he's interrupted when Enzo walks into the kitchen with Em laying along his arm on her belly. She coos happily but Enzo seems rather annoyed.

"Shit." Andre chuckles loudly. "Did we interrupt you two doing the nasty?"

I glare at him, hoping Ilya didn't hear him and take Em from Enzo. She kicks her legs happily and holds out her arms. Adriano picks his head up again and gives his niece a weak smile. She reaches out for him and he takes her reluctantly. Despite being almost a year old she's still tiny. She fits in everyone's lap perfectly and the boys have no problem holding her with one arm.

Adriano looks down at her with an emotion I've never seen on his face and it confuses me even more. He senses my stare and looks up at me.

"I used to be with this woman. I got the call yesterday that she died from a robbery gone wrong."

My heart clenches when I see tears brim his eyes. "Oh, Adriano. I'm so sorry."

He sniffs and clears his throat. "She was almost nine months pregnant." He looks up at me with a dead-like stare. "And I was the last person to be with her. I have a daughter."

I stare at my brother. He has a child. Enzo swears under his breath behind me and takes Em from Adriano. She starts fussing but soon quiets down when Enzo gives her a bottle.

"Where is she?" I ask warily. I do some quick math in my head and realise he was in Rome about nine months ago. "Is she in Rome?"

He nods silently. "I'm leaving this afternoon to go attend a court hearing so I can get full custody of her. Social Service here in New York has been in contact with the one in Rome and they've done a walk-through of my apartment and looked into my financial situation and have deemed me suitable. Now I just have to make a court appearance and she's mine. I have a nanny lined up. I had the interviews this morning and she was the tenth woman I interviewed. She's just gone back to her place to pack a bag for the next few days."

He looks over at Emery, who looks up at Enzo as he feeds her. Despite Andre's gambling addiction, I always thought Adriano would be the last of us to have a child.

"I want to go with you." I blurt out. I don't know why I said it. Maybe because Adriano doesn't know a thing about babies or he's just hired a complete stranger to help him with his new, unexpected child.

"I'll come too," Enzo speaks up. "I have some things to deal with there."

Adriano gives me a grateful smile, before pulling me into a tight hug. I kiss the top of his head and hug him back. He pulls away and gives me a weary smile.

"I'm a dad."


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