2 | Packing for Milan

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"Get up. It's already 7. Per l'amor di Dio." (For the love of god.)

I wince at the bright light that suddenly fills the room. "Vaffanculo," I mumble into my pillow. (Fuck you.)

"Come on Aria, Marcello wants you down in the training room in 15 minutes."

"Marcello doesn't give me orders. Aren't we the ones that pay him?" I flop onto my back and meet the eyes of a very irritated Andre, who's standing at the foot of my bed. "Why the long face? Heard you got lucky last night." I smirk and he just rolls his eyes at my comment but tries to hide a smile. "Let me guess... was it Emily? Oh, no. Wait. It was Tiffany, wasn't it? Emily whimpers, but Tiffany was always a screamer." I giggle and Andre, who has had enough, walks out the door.

"15 minutes Aria-Marie Marino. Don't be late."

I sigh, standing up from my warm bed and making my way to the connecting bathroom, and tie my hair up into a bun so it doesn't get wet. I then hop into the shower.

I get out of the shower, dry myself off and make my way into my walk-in wardrobe, and put on a simple workout outfit.

I quickly check my phone for any notifications. There's only one from my Mother.

Madre: Buon Giorno, I have landed in Milan for the fashion week trial runs. I will see you tomorrow amore Mio. (Good morning; my love.)

My Mother is a famous designer who is a sucker for fashion week no matter where in the world it is. I guess that's how me and my sister became famous. Although my Father does mainly control what me and Alessia do, he has no say in if we go to fashion week or not. Or any other event our Mother plans.

From memory, my Mother did tell me that fashion week doesn't start for another week. Which means she has something else planned for me and my Sister. My Mother has always been free-spirited and could never be held down. My Father tried and he failed. My Mother is also a sweet talker. She's the one who convinced him to let her follow her dreams as it will make for a perfect cover for my Father's business doings.

I sent a quick reply to my Mother saying good morning and that I was excited to see her. I grab my AirPods, so when I'm working out by myself I can listen to music. I make my way down the stairs and into the gym that is far too big for us as a family.

In the far back corner there is a sparring ring and next to the ring are two boxing bags that have seen better days. There used to be three, then Adriano got a bit angry one day and broke it. In front of the ring, there is target practice for knives only, and gun target practice is for outside only. A rule my Mother put in place after Andre put a bullet through one of the many large glass doors that extend to the outdoor area.

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