51 | I Hate You

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Enzo leads me out through the side door that I came through and towards the front of the building. The passenger door opens when we reach the front and Gio steps out with a confused face.

"How did you get in there?" He looks towards the warehouse and then back at Enzo and me.

"I walked through the forest," I say through gritted teeth as another contraction hits me.

"We need to go to the hospital. Aria's water just broke." Enzo runs a stressed hand through his hair.


Enzo ignores Gio and continues. "You know what to do. Get rid of his car and there's an SUV down the road with the keys still in it." Enzo helps me into the car he took.

After shutting the door behind me, he quickly rounds the front of the car and gets into the driver's side. The car roars to life and Enzo quickly pulls out of the entrance of the warehouse just as Gio starts to douse the building with kerosene.

Before we even make it halfway down the road, another pain shoots through my lower abdomen, making me arch off of the leather car seat.

"Hold on, Aria. I'm going to get you to the nearest hospital, Sweet Cheeks." Enzo grabs hold of my hand over the centre console and grips it tightly. I squeeze his hand back and thank god that the car is automatic, not manual.

During the whole hour it took to get back to New York - with no hospitals on the way - I had a total of 4 contractions. I tried to breathe as deeply as I could to try and subdue the pain but I just kept on squeezing the life out of Enzo's hand.

The moment we reached upstate New York and saw a hospital sign, Enzo took the exit off the highway.

Another contraction hits me and I groan through the pain. The contractions were starting to get shorter.

"Just 5 more minutes Aria, we're almost there." Enzo speeds up, swerving in and out of the cars. He lets go of my hand and picks up his phone, dialling the number of the hospital. "I'm about 5 minutes away, my wife's pregnant and her water broke just over an hour ago."

I hear muffled speaking over the other end of the phone, but I'm too busy trying not to rip my hair out from the pain. After a short period of time, Enzo drops his phone into the centre console and grabs my hand again. As he rubs soothing circles on the back of my hand, I start to grow irritated.

"They're getting a room ready for us."

"I hate you," I grumble staring out the front windshield. Enzo's head whips in my direction, confusion written all over his face. "When this baby is out of me, I'm going to kill you so slowly, you're gonna wish I made your death quick."

"Sweet Cheeks-"

"Don't you dare 'Sweet Cheeks' me," I push his hand away from me. "This is your fault." I snap and point to my belly. "If I don't kill you, you're on butt-wiping duty for the rest of your life sir."

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