12 | Mr Lincoln Red Roses

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We had been shopping for a few hours now and everyone decided it was time to get lunch.

We all chose a small cafe on the corner of the street. The cafe was situated underneath a block of apartments. The building looked like something out of a movie. The sandstone walls suit the traditional scenery. Vines crawled up the walls and potted flowers hung from the balconies of the apartments.

We all take our seats and a waiter comes to take our orders. We all ordered either coffee, juices, or water for drinks and then order various amounts of sandwiches and slices to munch on.

Once the food and drinks arrive, we all dig in, stuffing our faces with the delicious food. However, I wasn't that hungry so I only had two slices of a sandwich. We make occasional small talk and laugh about stupid things. Everyone is acting like nothing happened last night.

It's not that I'm shaken up by the event. I'm more curious about the whole situation. If the person who wrote the message for Alessia didn't want us there, why did they kill Paolo right in front of us?

After we finish our food and pay, we continue walking through the streets, looking through windows of boutiques and occasionally walking in so we could take a better look.

We entered a designer store and all went our separate ways while browsing. I was looking through a rack when I happened to lift my head and see Daniella looking through a rack of blouses.

I abandon the rack I was at and walk over to her.

"Hey." Her voice is cheerful, but her eyes tell a different story.

"You don't need to act tough around me Daniella. I know what happened last night stirred something deep inside you." I keep my voice low, not wanting anyone to hear me. Daniella's face falls from its usual smile to an emotion I can't pinpoint.

"How did you know?" Her voice is barely a whisper and she looks down. She avoids my gaze, probably not wanting to show her vulnerability.

"Well for starters, your eyes give you away. Your smile doesn't reach your eyes and they are slightly puffy meaning you were crying last night. Secondly, I can tell your brothers try to protect you from their world as much as possible. My guesses are you've never seen someone get shot let alone a dead body until last night."

Her gaze snaps up to meet mine and tears brim her eyes. "How do you cope with it?"

I understand her question, but I'm not about to give away the fact that I see dead people more than twice a week.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not stupid Aria. I know that wasn't your first time seeing... that."

I sigh and opt for a different route. "I... take a warm bath. Not showers. They don't offer the comfort a bath does." We start walking further into the store, the thought of looking at clothes leaving our minds.

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