42 | Pre-marital Nerves

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"The set-up crew is here and are already working. The food is almost fully cooked. And Enzo is still in bed." My sister rambles off as I sit in front of her dresser. The satin robe slips off my shoulder, but I'm quick to catch it.

"Of course, he's still in bed." Seeing as though we 'consummated our love' a bit too early, my Mother suggested keeping some things traditional. Like not spending the night before the wedding with each other.

I spent the night with Alessia and while she kicks in her sleep, I slept pretty damn well. Probably because I didn't have my fiance, who is always looking for ways to seduce me, sleeping next to me.

The ceremony is due to start at 3 pm and it's currently 9 am. I'm still eating breakfast and by the sounds of it, my future husband is still deep in his slumber. Not that it will take him long to get ready.

"How are you feeling now?" My sister chews on her bottom lip as she glances at my almost empty plate.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think it was just nerves." The nausea and cramps haven't stopped since I woke up. Not that I'm going to tell Alessia that. The cramps were light but the nausea was what was getting to me. It could also be morning sickness, but I thought I was past the whole thing.

Alessia nods and moves across the room to busy herself with something. I finish my breakfast and set the plate aside.

A little while later, Daniella skips into the room with a big smile on her face.

"I just woke Enzo up." She chirps proudly.

"Why is there a red mark on your face?" Alessia walks over to her to inspect the mark.

"He threw a pillow at me." She turns somewhat serious but the smile breaking free ruins her tone. "Hard."

I shake my head, chuckling. "Enzo does like his sleep."

"God, tell me about it. I don't know how he's going to go with a baby. I'm going feel sorry for you getting up in the middle of the night while he sleeps like the literal dead." Daniella flops down on Alessia's bed and plays with the tassels on one of the throw pillows.

I walk into the bathroom and take a quick shower. I know my sister is going to want to do my hair and Daniella asked if she could do my make-up. I was apprehensive about the makeup but seeing she asked so nicely I'll let her do it. Just this once.

I dry off after my shower and put my robe back on. When I walk back out into the bedroom, three garments bags have been laid on the bed. Daniella sits at the dresser, one foot perched up on the edge of it, painting her toes a light pink.

Alessia walks back into with my Mother in tow. My Mother pulls me into a tight hug. "My first baby to get married. I'm so proud of you my bellissima ragazza." She tucks my damp hair behind my ears and cups my face with both of her hands. "Enzo is a lucky man. Now let's get you ready." (Beautiful girl.)

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