20 | Rules

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I open my eyes and feel no need to shield them from the sun. I'm no longer in the sitting position I was when I closed my eyes and I'm no longer in the plane. Except I'm tightly tucked into a bed with soft cotton sheets. The room is modern with hints of gold everywhere, but not too much that makes you hate it.

I rise into a sitting position to survey the room, there are three doors, and I assume two of them lead to a bathroom and wardrobe. And the last one is obviously the door that leads out into wherever the hell I am. My hands have bandages wrapped around them from where I cut myself.

I slide out of the bed and go to adjust the suit I was wearing last night, only to see I've been dressed in an oversized t-shirt, without even having to bring the shirt up to my nose I can already tell it's Lorenzo's. I roll my eyes and hope to god that he didn't change me because I'm not wearing a bra. Or underwear. Even though we fooled around, doesn't mean he can just go around and look at my tits whenever he pleases.

I walk towards the door and turn the knob. Luckily it was unlocked, I step out into a long hallway. I'm definitely in a house and not some kind of warehouse, which is good I guess. I quietly walk out into the hallway careful to not make any noise. I look down the end of the hallway which leads to a dead end, then look the other way which looks as if there's a staircase at the end.

"Buongiorno Aria." (Goodmorning.)

"Jesus fucking Christ." I turn around and face Carlo, with my hand on my chest.

"You woke up just in time, Riccardo has just finished cooking breakfast and everyone is waiting for you. I was actually just about to come and grab you." I look behind Carlo's shoulder at what I thought was a dead end. "I know what you're thinking. I just came from my room, I was the only one up here and Enzo asked me to grab you on my way down. So let's go I'm starving."

Without even waiting for me, he walks past me and down the corridor. I quickly catch up to him so I don't get lost and follow him down the stairs and into the dining room. Everyone is already sitting down except for Riccardo and Lorenzo. Gianna is also here and when she sees me her face lights up like a child on Christmas morning.

"Aria, it's so good to see you, come sit next to me." She says softly and pulls out the seat next to her. I slowly walk over and take my seat next to her but when I look up I stare right at my sister who is sitting across from me.

"Alessia." I breathe out a relieved sigh. She's awake and she looks unharmed, besides the small cut on the side of her head. And the fact that she's tied to her chair. She offers me a weak smile. I turn to my left and see Daniella looking more than thrilled to both of us here.

"Okay, I know this situation on why you two are both here isn't the best. But I'm so excited that you are here. I've never had a girl my age over. We could do so much stuff together like paint our nails, go shopping, stay up late, and gossip."

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