15 | Bad Choices Always End With Blood

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My mind is running a hundred miles per hour.

What the fuck.

My Father killed Fredrico De Luca. Right in front of me.

Before I even knew it, I'm standing out in front of my Father's office. I can hear the muffled voices from behind the door, but they shortly stopped the moment I pushed the door open.

"Aria? Cosa stai facendo, Dolcezza? Sono nel bel mezzo di una riunione." (Aria? What are you doing, Sweetie? I'm in the middle of a meeting.)

My eyes sting with tears as I look around at the men in my Father's office. Some look like regular old businessmen, but living in this world long enough teaches you to never judge a book by its cover. The others looked like fit young men. Many of which were looking at me like a piece of meat. They were clearly either bodyguards or just some of my Father's men.

"Lasciare." (Leave.)

My voice fails me and comes out more of a plea. The disappointment on my Father's face was noticeable from a mile away. The men file out the door when my Father dismisses them.

Once the door clicks shut my Father sits back in his chair, clears his throat, and takes a sip of whisky from one of his annoyingly expensive tumblers.

"Care to tell me why you interrupted one of my meetings? I have told you since the day you could comprehend the words that came out of my mouth, to never, never, disrupt one of my meetings."

My Father's voice is that loud I'm certain the pictures on the walls shake. But I don't show that raising his voice scares me.

"Did you kill Fredrico De Luca?" My voice is barely audible. I know I shouldn't have opened my mouth. I know what's coming for me.

"What did you just ask me?" My Father grits his words out and slowly stands from his chair. Choosing to stand my ground I repeat my previous sentence.

Stupid, stupid girl.

My Father rounds his desk and stalks towards me. He's never hit me before, he would never hit me. I'm his daughter.

I start to second guess myself when my Father's chest is almost touching my nose.

"Where did you get this information from? Hmm?"

His voice is suddenly calm and it sends a chill down my spine.

"Lorenzo De Luca."

I know better than to lie.

"Lorenzo De Luca?" His voice starts to grow louder again. "Why the fuck are you talking to Lorenzo De Luca?"

This time I'm certain the glass in the windows are shaking from his volume as well.

"He started speaking to me Father, I was talking to his sister Daniella and he just started talking to me."

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