29 | Cock Tease

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The traffic has cleared as it's no longer peak hour in New York, so the drive to my office is quick.

After parking the car and making my way to the elevator, I step into the confined space with a small group of men in suits. They share terrified looks, and I try my best to not smirk at their terror.

As the door opens on my office floor, I step into the air-conditioned space that my two assistants share. As Kayla types away madly on her laptop and only spares me a small smile and nod, which is all I need, Brittany stands from her desk and makes her way over to me. I'm not oblivious. I know she wants me to fuck her, but no matter how many times I try to scare her away, she always comes back. She's like an itch you just can't scratch.

"How are you this morning Mr De Luca? Can I get you anything? Coffee perhaps? Or anything else." Her voice is laced with lust and I don't have the energy for it.

"I've already had my morning coffee this morning Brittany. Now if you could get out of my way so I can get to my office, that would be much appreciated." I say gesturing to how she's standing in the doorway of my office. Walking past her would mean brushing up against her. Not something I want to do.

"Okay then. Let me know if you need anything." Again she tries to hint at me. And again, I ignore her. Turning I look at Kayla who shifts uncomfortably in her chair, still typing on her laptop.

"Kayla, when is my appointment with the Spanish?" I ask my only reliable assistant.

"11.30 sir." Brittany cuts in. Proud of what she's done, she smirks at Kayla's confused face.

"I asked Kayla, Brittany." I snarl at the fake blonde. She's taken aback by my tone.

"It's in 10 minutes Mr De Luca, 10.45, to be exact. Your meeting notes and interpreter are already in conference room 472." Kayla says with an even tone.

"Thank you, Kayla. I'll head there now." Turning I make my way down the hall, leaving both girls behind me.

When I enter the conference room, my interpreter, an aged man with greying hair, stands and greets me. A monitor is set up at the end of the long table, waiting for Jose Morales to go on the call.

My interpreter has all my notes and other pieces of info I want to cover stacked neatly in front of the seat where I usually sit. I speak only a little bit of Spanish, and Jose likes to talk a lot in Spanish.

After a rather dull and uneventful call with an imbecile of a man, my interpreter leaves. I have requested a thorough check through all of Jose's men. After the issue with Aria took place, I've opened my eyes to the fact that his whole mafia could possibly be in the trafficking business. And not the drug business. Although I was thorough before accepting his request to partner with me, I could have missed something.

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