46 | Pink or Blue

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Enzo pulls the car into park. A wave of deja vu hits me from the first time I was here. But this time I'm with Enzo. The clinic is just as small as it was last time. Not many cars fill its parking spaces and Enzo's matte black jaguar definitely stands out.

His hand tightens its grip on my thigh when he looks up at the clinic's signage. A new emotion that I've never seen before crosses his face. A mixture between happiness and nervousness I'm guessing.

Enzo exits the car and walks around the front to my side. He helps me out of the car and we walk side by side up to the front door. I'm instantly warmed when I step into the heated waiting space. Only three couples sit in the waiting room, quietly talking to their partners.

Enzo tells me to sit, while he tells the receptionist that we are here for our appointment. He shortly joins me with a pile of pamphlets in his hands. "I had to get your last name changed in their database. Unfortunately, you were still under Marino."

I turn my wedding band on my finger. Only three days of wearing it and I still can't get used to the extra ring. The past few days included a lot of sex and giving each other orgasms. Enzo did have to go into the office at one point to pick up some work which sucked.

Ignoring what Enzo said, I focus on the pamphlets. "Why do we need all of those?" I question, thumbing through at least 10 different pamphlets ranging from nutritious food and what to expect during birth.

"Well, I don't think either of us really knows what the hell is going to happen."

"Enzo," I crane my neck to look at my husband.

"Yes, Sweet Cheeks?" He looks up from reading 'Breathing Techniques'.

"We have at least 5 baby books at home that cover more than what those pamphlets will."

He looks between me and the pamphlets a few times before setting his eyes back on me. "Then I'll keep them for the top draw in my office."

I laugh quietly and rest my head on his shoulder as he goes back to reading the pamphlets.

We wait all of 15 minutes before our last name is called out by Emily, who did my ultrasound the last time I was here. We're both led to the room I was in last.

We file into the spacious room. I lay down on the examination table as Emily finishes prepping her equipment.

My dress is rolled up to my waist and a sheet of paper is tucked into the waistband of my panties.

"So where are you stationed?" Emily asks Enzo. Her attempt to make small talk is feeble.

"Um." Enzo looks at me for help.

"The military. Where are you stationed?" Emily adds. Realisation crosses Enzo's face.

"It's more of a private organisation. I was in Russia during Aria's first appointment."

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