8 | 20 minutes

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I'm hot, bothered, and I'm about to kill someone. Lorenzo's fingers are still lodged deep inside me and I wish for nothing more but to finish.

There's another knock at the door and I hold back a groan of frustration. I didn't want to admit it but the tight knot that formed in my stomach was real and not just a faction of my imagination.

"What?" Lorenzo snaps, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

"È Daniella. C'è stato un incidente." (It's Daniella. There's been an incident.)

I hear Lorenzo mutter something under his breath. The person on the other side of the door obviously heard me and Lorenzo in here, but who the fuck was Daniella. I swear to god if this guy is married or has a girlfriend.

Lorenzo pulls his fingers from my pussy, I groan at the feeling of his fingers no longer there, he looks up and meets my gaze.

"I apologize. My sorellina is always getting herself into trouble."

Ahhhh. So it's his sister, never mind.

"I would ask you to wait here," He searches my face, trying to read my expression. "But judging by your face you clearly don't want to wait."

"I could be persuaded," I smirk at him, he chuckles in response and leans in so he can whisper in my ear.

"Okay then. If you stay, I'll fuck you in every possible position that you desire. Fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for the next week. So hard, you'll forget your own name and your purpose in life."

I hum and move my head to look at him. It's a poor effort in my opinion, but who cares.

"I'll wait 20 minutes."

"With my sister, it might take longer."

"I'm being nice Lorenzo. 20 minutes or I leave."


He stands up straight, licks his fingers clean and starts to button up his shirt. He does some major rearranging, and I smirk in victory.

"I'll be back."

He walks towards the door and opens it to reveal a younger-looking man who has the same eyes as Lorenzo, just a little more blue, probably a brother. He looks flustered and worried.

When Lorenzo closes the door I slide off the desk, pick up my panties and slide them back on. I look at the clock above the doorway. 12:43 am.

I take a better look around the office, despite being a fairly old building the office has a modern look to it.

There are two small bookcases that are full of books and trinkets. There's a safe on one of the shelves, but the guy seems decent so I don't bother to try and open it.

Miss Marino - 1     (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now