7 | Liquid Courage

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He groans at my remark, his grip on my thigh tightening.

"You know," He whispers in my ear, I can feel the vibrations of his voice against my shoulder from where his chest is pressed up against me. "When I was watching you and your sister dance, you caught my attention."

How fucking lame. I resist the dying need to roll my eyes and put on the best seductive voice I could. "Okay, I'll bite. Why, out of every girl in the club, who I'm sure will obey your every order and be on their knees at the snap your fingers, choose me?" I start to drag a single finger up his leg. He shifts in his spot, adjusting his pants, clearly trying his best to hide how turned on he is.

"I don't know. I guess you had this innocence about you and I feel the need to take it away. Why did you turn down every guy who came up to you?"

My finger is now about halfway up his thigh and he's still trying to hide his pained expression.

"I guess I was saving myself for someone in particular. What gave you the idea that I was innocent? For all you know, I could be a raging murdering lunatic."

My finger then moves up the side of his hip and then along the top of his belt. I start toying with the button of his slacks.

He groans, finally acknowledging my attempt to mess with him. His hips move into my hand, his erection pressing against my palm.

Okay, maybe he was being serious about his size.

I keep my hand still letting him grind into my palm.

"Well if you are, I'm considering pushing that past me for one night at least." He answers breathlessly. I laugh lightly at his response. For someone whose demeanour is dark and mysterious, and who clearly likes to be in control, I feel as though I have him wrapped around my finger. Or in the literal palm of my hand.

His hand that was toying with my hair falls around my waist and his other hand starts to make its way up the side of my dress. If even possible, I lean even further into him.

I might as well be sitting on his lap.

He dips his head and starts lightly kissing down the side of my throat.

"We should go somewhere more private. People might get the wrong idea and think this place has turned into a sex club and I can't have that for my business."

This catches me off guard. I quickly pull away from him.

"You own this place?"

"You seemed shocked Sweet Cheeks. Why do you think you got the expensive liquor?"

Ignoring his comment on the drink he brought me, I try to find my bearings. The models were not wrong when they said the owner was hot.

"Well yeah. I just thought you may have been some stuck-up rich guy that I may have been able to steal from." I say sarcastically. He chuckles in response.

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