4 | Comprendere?

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"The shipment should arrive at the docks in Milan on Sunday night," Riccardo announces from across the table without looking up from his phone.

"What time?"

"Around... 9:30."

Domenico, my brother, answers for Riccardo. Riccardo just nods to confirm that my brother was indeed correct.

I'm currently in a meeting with all three of my brothers, Domenico, Giovanni, Carlo, and my right-hand man Riccardo. Me and Ric have been friends since we were children. And when my Father died and the role of Don was passed onto me, it was only logical to bring him along with me.

"Riccardo," My friend finally removes his gaze from his phone. "It's your job to make this transaction with the Morales Clan goes smoothly. I don't want any blood on the pavement."

As much as I care for my friend, it's not his job to kill people. That's Dom's job, being the assassin. Ric's job is to handle any and all shipments.

"Comprendere?" (Understand?)

"Certo capo." (Sure boss.)

I glance up from the file I was reading through to look up at Ric, who is sitting across from Carlo at the other end of the table. With his eyes still trained on his phone.

"Stai scrivendo alla puttana con cui eri ieri sera?" Giovanni says, grabbing Riccardo's phone from him, and looking at the screen. (Are you texting the whore you were with last night?)

"Give it back!" Riccardo snaps, taking his phone back from Giovanni and holding it to his chest in a possessive grip. "Stronzo," Ric mutters, going back to his phone. (Asshole.)

Domenico scoffs and rolls his eyes, while Carlo and Giovanni try their best to suppress their laughs. I just shake my head at my friend's childish actions.

"No really. What has you so attached to your phone, that you won't pay any attention to this meeting?" I question with a serious tone. Eventually, Ric sighs. Turning off his phone and placing it face down on the table giving his full attention to me.

"You now have my undivided attention. Go ahead with what we were discussing."

I narrow my eyes at the man at the other end of the table but continue nonetheless.

"Well, while you were busy doing whatever the fuck you were doing on your phone, which judging by the hard-on that I can see through the glass table top that's growing by the minute in your jeans, I'm going to assume you were sexting a woman or man, I'm not one to judge."

"You're practically the king of judgment." I ignore Carlo's comment and continue.

"But while you were busy, we happened to finish all the topics that needed to be discussed."

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