32 | Breaking the News

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After about 3 more hours of running around Brooklyn with Enzo, my feet are killing me. I have about 8 more roses in my hand, along with the little notes. They either remind me of times between Enzo and me or just dirty notes that Enzo wrote, telling me how much he wants me and what he wants to do to me. In very explicit detail.

The smell of ocean air wafts past me, creating a nervous pit in my stomach. We still have another hour before the sun is set to rise. We're still on the same path, still walking hand in hand. I misstep on a twig and roll my ankle.

"Merda," I mutter under my breath. I hop on one foot, while Enzo keeps me stable.

"Take your heels off, I'll carry them." He holds out his other hand for them.

"But then I'll be walking around barefoot." I counter looking up at the man in front of me.

"No, you won't," I still look up at him and frown. "Trust me."

I bend down and undo the clasp on each heel and then place them both in Enzo's waiting hand.

"Now, get on my back." He turns his back to me and bends down slightly so I could reach his shoulders. Instead of protesting like I want to, I smile at the sweet act. I grasp his shoulders and hoist myself about halfway up his torso. My legs wrap around his person tightly.

One of Enzo's hands finds a home under my ass to stabilise me, with his other he plucks the notes from my hand and pockets them in his suit jacket. Then we continue our trek down the path.

Enzo walks with smooth strides and never once has to try and lift me further up his body because I was slipping.

Enzo walks for about 10 more minutes until we reach a different part of the park. In the distance, I can see the ocean. And a pier. It looks like a literal island.

Enzo keeps walking and eventually, we're on the pier. Nerves start to set in as his strides come to a halt. Looking out to my left I see the sun starting to peak up over the water.

"Enzo," I whisper as he carefully slides me off his back. Another presence startles me as another man in a black button-up shirt and slacks hands Enzo a small box then leaves back through where we came from.

"You said you were going to wait until everything calmed down." My eyes never leave the small turquoise velvet box in Enzo's hands.

"And I have a solution. Not all those calls I made earlier were for this." He offers me a small smile. I knew we were getting married but for some reason, I can't find it in me to return the smile. "I know this isn't very traditional, but you deserve the world Aria."

He slowly gets down on one knee, my heels carelessly discarded to his side. "Please allow me to give you the world. I know I'm not very likeable, easy, and sometimes annoying. But Aria-Marie, you are the only one I want to piss off and annoy for the rest of my life. If you will let me."

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