14 | Don't Beg

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I'm currently sitting in my Father's office waiting for him to give me my next mission. My knuckles have started to scab, which is good. Of course, Marcello was the first one to notice my hand. I just simply ignored him and continued packing to go home.

Usually, my Father likes to spread out my missions but today he wants me to do a back-to-back mission. Last night he had me kill Sergio Bianchi. Alessia is still in Milan with Mother, my brothers, and Marcello so this is the first time I've done a solo mission in about 2 years.

To be honest it was a bit harder to get used to. It took me longer to grab Sergio's attention but after I got it, it was smooth sailing from there.

Because it's harder to pull a gun on someone discreetly when you're in front of them, I opted for my old method of stabbing them in the throat with a knife.

My Father did put in the file that I need to spice up the whole routine more. So now I'm writing little notes to whoever finds the body. The note I left with Sergio's body last night was.

'Why should I apologize for the monster I've become? No one apologized for making me this way. - Joker'

After a few minutes, my Father walks into his office holding a number of folders. He sits behind his desk and gives me a bored look.

"How did your mission go last night? Were you able to adjust to being by yourself again?"

"The mission went fine Father. I was able to adjust quickly." I say not looking up from my lap.

My Father hums in response. Ever since I saw my Father kill that man 13 years ago he has acted differently ever since. He wasn't that Fatherly figure anymore. He turned into that teacher who no one looks forward to having a class with. Or Miss Trunchbull from Matilda.

"How did you add to your mission?"

I shift in my seat uncomfortably. I try not to stay in the room with my victim too long. The fact that their dead gets to me. Alessia helped with that. She distracts me, but last night because she wasn't there my eyes kept drifting back to Sergio's body laying on the bed.

"I'm writing notes and leaving them for people to find. Whether it's in the victim's pocket, on their chest, or sitting on the bedside table."

"But you have only done this once, correct?"

"Yes, but those were just some of the places I thought I could put them in the future."

Once again my Father nods. I hate how calm he is about this. My heart is about to beat out of my chest. A cold sweat is breaking out on the back of my neck and my hands feel clammy. I try my best to hold in the panic so my Father doesn't see how weak I really am.

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