17 | You're Just a Prostitute

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I've spent most of the day in my room, thinking over all the ways to avoid ending up in the hands of Lorenzo. But nothing comes to mind.

I've gotten dressed and Marcello is driving me into town to a hotel. I still have one profile left and Father has already made it clear that I need to complete them all before I leave.

Tonight I'm posing as an escort. I have more makeup on and my dress is hot pink, tight and short. I look cheap. Well, Bruno Romero is only paying me $50 for an hour. So I guess I'm a cheap escort anyway. So why not dress the part?

Marcello pulls up in front of the hotel. I go to open the door but he stops me.

"Be careful Aria. The deal is in place, he could take you whenever he pleases."

I just nod in response and climb out of the car, closing the door behind me. I walk towards the entrance of the hotel. I make my way to the front desk where I'm greeted by a young woman.

"Hello. Welcome to the Sunset Hotel. How can I help you?"

I adjust my handbag on my shoulder and give her a smile.

"I'm here to see Bruno Romero. He should be expecting me." I say in a breathy tone. I might as well act the part.

"Oh yes, here is your key and his room number. He's on floor 15. Enjoy your stay." she smiles fakely, holding out the key and paper.

I take them from her and smile back at her with a forced smile. "I will, thank you so much." Once I turn away from her my smile drops.

I take the elevator up. When the doors open I scan the corridor. My heels click against the tiled floor as I look for room 1508. The police could check the security cameras and see that it was me; even the hotel staff could rat me out. However, one of our IT guys back at one of my Father's warehouses manages to hack into the systems and delete all the footage and almost 98% of the hotels here in Rome belong to either my Father or Adriano, so the employees get paid to keep their mouths shut.

The number 1508, written out in bronze makes me stop. I push the key into the lock and turn until I hear a click.

Slowly I push the door open and step into the room. Closing the door behind me I lock the door while scanning the room for Bruno. The room smells like cigar smoke and stale cheap whiskey. Cringing at the smell I step further into the quiet room. The room is almost too quiet.

The carpeted hallway suppresses the sound of my heels on the ground. I pass a few doors, probably a closet and a bathroom, and end up in the sitting room. The double doors that lead to the bedroom are open fully, giving me a view of the bed. Leading off from the sitting room is a large patio. And I finally spot my target.

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