45 | Consumating Love

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It takes a while before everyone has either gone to bed or has left. Only my sister and Mother, as well as Enzo's sister and Mother, are sleeping here. On the other side of the house.

Ilya is still soundly sleeping two doors down from our room. Enzo sent me into our room to get ready for bed while he goes and checks on the little boy.

I'm still trying to undo the zip of my dress when Enzo walks into the room. My lace garter is still wrapped around his wrist, marking him as mine.

"Need help, Sweet Cheeks?"

I realise I was too busy staring at him through the full-length mirror in our shared wardrobe. I gave him a slight nod dropping my hands from where they were trying to reach the zip. God, I feel like this is our first time seeing each other naked all over again.

He stands closely behind me and easily undoes the zip. His hands come around my waist and rest on my stomach. He kisses my shoulder lightly and trails his kisses up behind my ear at a slow pace.

I sink back into his chest and tilt my head to the side, allowing him more access. His hands leave my stomach, trailing up my torso, lightly over my breasts and to the sleeves of my dress that now hangs loosely off me.

Pulling each sleeve down, he carefully removes the dress. The matching set of lingerie that my sister made me wear starts to reveal itself as the dress falls off of me.

When the fabric gets to my hips, it simply slips off and pools around my feet. I step out of the dress with Enzo holding my hand to help. He sinks to his knees and undoes the clasp of my heels and pulls them off each foot.

I smile and blush as I remember him doing the exact same action when we first slept together.

He pulls the heels off and throws them off to the side. He stands back up and does a once-over of my body. He hums in approvement, grabbing onto my hips he pulls me closer to him.

He unties the garter from his wrist and holds it out on his finger in between us.

"Put it on."

His voice has dropped to a seductive octave, sending a chill down my spine and straight to my core that pools with need.

I take the garter from him and bend slightly, not breaking eye contact with him. The lace and silk are warm from his body heat as I slide it up to my mid-thigh.

When I straighten he looks over me once again, my back lightly brushes the wall of shelves behind me. His eyes are filled with lust. Enzo takes a step closer to me. The white lace of my bra brushes against the expensive fabric of his suit. The skimpy panties that I wear make me feel even more exposed.

He reaches up behind my head and undoes the clip that holds up the top half of my hair. Placing the clip on the shelf next to me, his fingers thread lightly through my hair, massaging my scalp with the light pressure of his fingertips.

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