33 | Celebratory Rites

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Harsh knocking pulls me from my deep sleep.

"Alzarsi. Ti perderai la festa!" Giana sings through the door, then retreats back down the hallway, her heels clicking against the marble floor. Enzo stirs underneath me, tightening his hold on me. I glance up at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It's almost 7 pm. (Get up. You will miss the party!)

Light chatter and soft music filter through the window that faces the backyard in Enzo's room. I settle back down on Enzo's chest, watching as he returns back to his peaceful sleep. I hate to wake him up but Giana's right, we'll miss the party.

I move slightly up his body until I'm hovering over him. I lean down and place a small kiss on his cheek, then his forehead, nose and finally his lips. It takes him a few seconds to lean fully into the kiss. One of his hands threads through the strands of my hair, slightly tugging drawing a soft moan out of my throat.

"Good evening Mr De Luca," I say once we pull away.

"Good evening, Mrs De Luca." I blush at his antics.

"Not yet," I whisper, trying to hold in my smile.

"And not soon enough." He replies, brushing the loose strands of hair away from my face.

"Your Mother just said she wants us down for dinner," I inform him watching his face intently.

"Stuff my Mother." He mutters before moving down to kiss my neck. At first, it's just a chaste kiss, then when his teeth gently run down my pulse and to my collarbone where he starts to suck and kiss, I quickly pull away before I get too lost in him.

"You sure about that? 'Stuff your Mother'." I give him a pointed look. Groaning he throws his head back.

"You're such a cock tease. But yeah your right. She'll probably chase after me with a tea towel or something." I laugh at his former statement and roll off him. Getting out of bed I walk over to the bathroom in nothing but panties. I hear Enzo groan again before I shut the door behind me.

Quickly throwing my hair up, I take a shower and then dressed in a red dress and a pair of heels. Enzo is now in the shower but deciding against waiting for him I walk back into the bathroom. His back turned away from the door as I stand in front of the mirror to put a light layer of makeup on. I occasionally glance back to Enzo's bare back, his mafia's insignia tattooed along the expanse of his shoulders.

Just as I'm blending in my concealer, Enzo's deep voice vibrates through the walls of the bathroom.

"What are you doing Sweet Cheeks?" I glance over at him, watching as he massages his soap into his skin. The bottom half of the glass is frosted, meaning that when my gaze travels down I only see the start of his defined V. Unfortunately.

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