25 | Scarface

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My thumb is starting to get sore. The constant clicking of the remote trying to find something to watch on Netflix is exhausting.

The front door flies open, I peek over the back of the couch to see a number of men filing in. Scarface from back at the bar smirks evilly at me. Frowning, I turn back to the TV.

"To my office. Everyone." Lorenzo's voice booms through the house. I don't make the effort to move, knowing that he definitely wasn't talking to me, but the stampede of testosterone.

After a few minutes, the foyer is silent and I finally find a movie to watch.

I must have fallen asleep about halfway through because the sound of heavy boots coming down the stairs woke me up just as the end credits were rolling.

"A dopo, piccolo Marino." Scarface's voice has a giddy tone to it, he walks out the door and closes it behind him. Confused and kind of creeped out I decide to make my way up the stairs and toward my room for a shower. (See you later, little Marino.)

I pass Lorenzo's office and hear him talking on the phone. I stop. I know I shouldn't listen, but I do.

"I'll do it tonight. Get Mother to take Daniella out while we do it so she doesn't see it."

There's a long pause before he starts talking again.

"Who would've fucking guessed it. I mean we knew it was a woman doing the assassinations, but I don't think anyone expected it to be Alberto's daughter."

My heart stops. Shit. He knows.

"And to add icing on the cake, the only way we know now is because of Alberto himself."

And then my heart breaks. It breaks and breaks until there is nothing but an empty void.

"I've got all the footage of her walking in and out of the hotels. I'm missing a huge gap between the dates, but the oldest ones and the newest ones clearly show Aria either with the guy or walking by herself."

My own god-forsaken Father ratted me out. I continue walking down the hallway, walking past my room and opening Alessia's door without knocking.

"Oh, I didn't realise we were ignoring social normalities now."

She goes back to folding her clothes, as I close the door behind me and lean against it. I let out a defeated sigh, one to which Alessia looks up at me with furrowed brows.

"They know," I whisper, still trying to understand what's actually happening.

"What?" She whispers back. She looks just as shocked as I felt about 10 seconds ago.

"They know and they're doing something tonight."


Pushing off from the door I go and sit down on her bed.

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