Chapter Two ~ UGH not Hadeeqa! Aasim, where are you??

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AN: Salaam, everyone! So, I found this picture and I found her absolutely GORGEOUS so I decided to make her my Taalia! You can't see her eyes so just imagine a pair of pretty emerald green eyes with a hint of gold. Tell me what you guys think!

Taalia's POV~

I woke up the next morning to my brother shouting in the room beside me. I groaned and stood up to go over to his room.

"RAZA!" I shouted, pounding on his door. "TURN THE VOLUME DOWN AND STOP SHOUTING OR I SWEAR I'LL CUT YOU, YOU KHARA!" The door opened and there stood my little nineteen year old brother with an annoyed look on his face.

"Mind you, I was in the middle of something." He said and I looked down to find his headphones and game control in his hands. I rolled my eyes.

"So was I: sleeping!" I said.

"You sleep for too long, it's such a waste of time." He complained.

"You play games too much, it's such a waste of time." I smirked.

"Okay, I'll keep the volume down now go away." He said. I walked back to my room and looked at the time. It was only ten in the morning. I still had a lot of the morning to sleep through so I plopped down on the bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

I woke up a few hours later and after washing my face, I went downstairs for breakfast.

"Salaam, Ammu (mom)." I said, entering the kitchen. Ammu looked up and smiled. She replied and then set a plate of waffles and strawberries in front of me. I thanked her and went to the fridge to get some maple syrup.

"Just a while ago, Aasim called. He said something about not being able to attend the class today." She said. I looked up.

"Aw, really?" I groaned.

"Do you need him there so badly?" Ammu grinned. I rolled my eyes.

"No, it's just easier when he's there and he can handle the kids so well. Oh well, I just hope he gets a good replacement." I said.

"Why not ask Misha?" I gave my mom a look and she laughed. "Okay, maybe not Misha." I nodded and ate the remaining bit of my waffles before placing the plates on the sink and heading up to my room.

I opened up my phone and went to Aasim's name in my contacts. I sent him a quick text.

Salaam, Aasim. Ammu said you called. Are you not coming to class today?

I waited a few minutes before he replied.

Wa Alaikum Asalam, Taalia. I'm sorry, I won't be coming today because something came up and Ma wants me to go with her somewhere. I'm really sorry. In Sha Allah I shall make it tomorrow.

It's okay, no need to apologize. But who is your replacement?

I waited a few seconds.


I groaned out loud.

Okay, JazakAllah. I shall see you tomorrow then In Sha Allah.

I turned off my phone and lay down on my bed. Why did his replacement have to be Hadeeqa?! She was so bad with kids and she hated anything to even do with school! I just couldn't understand why she would even sign up to be an Islamic teacher. I sighed and looked at my clock. There were four hours left until my classes begun. And it was time for prayer so I did wudhu, put on my Abaya and scarf and began to pray Zhur.

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

"Ugh my mom did it again!" Misha cried over the phone.

"She talked about marriage again?" I asked.

"Yes! And not just that, she had even come up with a list of possible husbands for me! UGH!" I could hear her crashing onto her bed.

"Habibti, have you thought about Saqib?" I asked quietly.

"How haraam, of course not..." She trailed off.


"Okay, maybe I did, oh gosh I'M SO HARAAM I'M SORRY!" She cried. I laughed.

"No, habibti, you're definitely not haraam. Anyone would think about it, especially if you're thinking of that someone as your possible spouse." I assured.

"Okay, but Taalia, I'm still not sure. And even if I was, I wouldn't want to get married now! Maybe in a few years but now, I don't even want to think about marriage." She said.

"Okay, Mishi, just relax then. Everything will be okay, InshaAllah, just have faith in Allah."

"Okay, thanks habibti. So, any news on Mr. Aasim?" I could tell she was grinning.

"Ugh, don't even." I groaned.

"Why, what happened?" Misha asked.

"He's not coming to classes today and his replacement is none other than Hadeeqa." I explained.

"Aw, Hadeeqa?"

"Yeah... I really did not want to put up with her today." I groaned again.

"Okay then, how about this? After your classes, why don't we go out to eat or something and just have fun!" Misha suggested.

"Okay, we'll go." I chuckled.

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

I was finishing up with writing the review questions for today's review class when I heard Hadeeqa running in. She was talking excitedly on her phone which was really annoying. Luckily she quickly ended her call and made her way over to Aasim's usual desk which was her's for today.

"Yo, when are the kids coming?" She asked.

"Asalamu Alaikum, Hadeeqa. Class begins in a few minutes, they are probably waiting outside." I said. She muttered her reply to my salaam.

"Do you mind placing these worksheets on their desks after they finish their quiz?" I asked her, motioning to the pile of sheets on Aasim's desk.

"Okay." she said. Just then, the kids all came in. This was my grade two to grade four class. I loved working with the younger ones because they are more obedient and they are just so cute! As the kids took their seats, they all started talking quietly talking amongst themselves.

"Asalamu Alaikum, everyone!" I greeted them with a smile.

"Wa Alaikum Asalam, Miss Taalia!" They replied. Some of the younger ones still didn't know how to pronounce it properly and I just found it the cutest thing ever!

"Okay, as you all know we have a quiz today. But first, I decided to give you some time to review everything we learned last week. The review questions are on the board. Complete all of the questions in half an hour then we shall take it up and start our quiz in exactly one hour, In Sha Allah." I explained.

"Yes, Miss Taalia." They said and immediately took out their notebooks and began working on the questions. I went back to my desk and looked over to Hadeeqa at Aasim's desk. She was texting on her phone and I sighed. I really wished Aasim was there, he was a way better partner than her.

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AN: JazakAllah Khayr for reading! Remember to vote and comment if you likey! ^_^ ♡♡♡

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