Chapter Three ~ Ya Allah she found another one!

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AN: I FOUND MY MISHA!! OMG she is so beautiful, MashaAllah, and is just perfect to be Misha. Let me know in the comments if you guys agree!

Aasim's POV~

Mama rushed up to me as I walked through the doorway into the house.

"Oh, habibi! You made it just in time! I met one of my old friends today and she told me that she has a daughter who was looking for a suitable husband so I told her that I was also looking for a good wife for my son and she said she was interested so I arranged for a meeting between the two of you this Saturday! Surprise!" She cried, not pausing to take one breathe.

I stared at her in shock.

"Mama, you found another one?!" I groaned and took off my shoes and walked into the living room.

"Don't groan, I'm sure you will like her! Her mother told me that she is nice and religious and very pretty and I think you two will be perfect for each other!" She squealed.

This was typical of my mom. Ever since I turned twenty-three, she had been pestering me non-stop about marriage and how I had to find a suitable wife soon so that her grandchildren wouldn't have such an old father. Also because my brother had gotten married last year and every single one of my aunts and uncles are now waiting for me. But I wasn't interested in finding a wife yet. I wanted to complete my training as a doctor first before even thinking of marriage. Alhamdulillah, I had completed medical school and was now working as an assistant for a doctor in our local hospital. I just needed one more year of training and after that In Sha Allah I will have become a full-time doctor. But my dear mama had other plans for me...

"Mama, please, I don't want to get married right now! Just give me one more year and after I have In Sha Allah become a doctor, then I promise I will find a perfect daughter-in-law for you." I said, taking her hands in mine.

"Habibi, I understand but I just want you to be happy and I'm trying to help you!" She said.

"Mama, Alhamdulillah, I am happy as I could ever be but please, just one more year." I pleaded.

"Habibi, you love making me sad, right?" She pouted and I groaned, crashing down onto the couch. "Please? I already arranged the meeting. At least meet her then if you don't like her, I won't bother you about it until next year, okay? Please, habibi, for me?" She smiled and I sighed.

"Promise you won't bother me?" I asked. She laughed.

"It's sad how you doubt me. Okay, you're going this Saturday." With that, she left to go to the kitchen.

"Hey, Mama, you didn't promise!" I called after but she didn't listen. I rolled my eyes and went to my room upstairs. It was only Thursday, my mom could have cancelled the meeting but of course she wouldn't. I didn't know who these people were so I couldn't call them myself to cancel. I sighed and crashed onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling. In one year, I would become a doctor, In Sha Allah, have my own apartment and be able to focus on my marriage life seriously. But Mama was preventing me from doing that. I knew she was doing it for my sake but it was really tiring, meeting all those girls and having to turn down every single one of them. But I also had to think of myself.

I closed my eyes for a few minutes. Then I got up and decided to go to the Masjid and do some volunteering since I wouldn't be able to go on Saturday to teach class. Oh shoot! I slapped my forehead when I realized that I would leave Taalia all alone for teaching. I tried to go back to my mom to tell her that I wanted to go to the Masjid instead but I knew it was useless.

I left my house and got into my car, backed out of the driveway and headed to the Masjid.

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

Taalia's POV~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and groaned as I reached over and turned it off. Don't worry, Taalia, you just gotta get through today before your two month break! I thought to myself and pulled myself out of bed.
It was almost a week after classes with Hadeeqa. Today was the closing ceremony for all third years moving onto their fourth year of Uni while for some it was their graduation day (for those who weren't taking another year). I know, I should have been a bit more excited, after all, there was just one more year until Misha and I would be one step closer to pursuing our dream. But it was just SO TIRING!
Speaking of Misha, I looked at my phone to find ten missed calls from her. She was super excited for today, mainly because of the fact she would be getting to wear her new dress and because she would be showing off one of her designs to all of the people who were looking for new designers. The teachers had asked me to to present one as well but I had been sick for a little while which prevented me from doing so. Alhamdulillah, I was better but it was too late for me to give one so I just helped Misha with hers.
I went to bathroom to take a quick shower and brush my teeth before calling her back.

"HELLO?!" Misha shouted into the phone. I pulled it away from my ear because of how loud she was.

"Misha? Why are you screaming?" I asked.

"Taalia, habibti, I AM FREAKING OUT!" She cried.





"Okay, okay, habibti, you need to calm down! Where did you last see the dress?" I asked.


"Okay, then maybe someone took it by mistake."

"HOW COULD SOMEONE TAKE IT BY MISTAKE?? UNLESS... I'VE BEEN ROBBED!!" She screamed. I wanted to tell her no but there was a possibility.

"Okay, habibti, get ready and-"


"Okay, then let me get ready and as soon as I can, I'll be there and help you look for it."


"Then we'll go to the university and look for it there." I explained.


"Ya Allah, and stop screaming!" I ordered.

"OKAY- okay." She said. I sighed.

"I'll call you when I leave the house." I said.

"Okay, HURRY UP." She shouted.

"Alright, alright, Allah Hafiz." I said. She replied and I hung up. I threw my phone onto my bed and quickly went downstairs to eat something then quickly get ready.

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AN: Thank you for reading!! Don't forget to comment and vote IF YOU LIKEYYYYY! ^_^ ♡♡♡

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