Chapter Seven ~ Are you stupid? Nevermind, you probably are

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AN: SALAAM EVERYONE! We are going to have a different POV for a part of this chapter! I'm actually so excited for this chapter and I worked very hard on it! ^_^ *squeals*

Misha's POV~ (see I told you)

As we pulled up my driveway, I noticed another black car next to my parents' one. I was hesitant to go out. I did not want to meet this man. I wanted Saqib to be the one to propose to me. I was tired of this. Not that I had any right to blame him. He had no idea of my feelings and I couldn't even let him know. I just wished that he had even a tiny bit of romantic feelings for me. Ya Allah, I loved him so much!

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn to look at Taalia.

"Don't worry habibti, just say no." She smiled. I nodded and tried to smile back but couldn't. If I said no, my mom would get mad at me... again.

We stepped out of the car and made our way up the steps to the front door. I took out my keys and unlocked it then went inside. Ma immediately came at me.

"Good, you're dressed decently! Now be nice, okay? I really like this one!" She grinned at me then quickly pulled me into the living room. There I saw a man sitting on one of the the sofas. I had to admit he was gorgeous (Astaghfirullah). He has light brown hair and small dark brown eyes. I could tell he was tall. He had a trimmed beard... just like Saqib...
No, stop that Misha. For today, you are only going to focus on him and only him... I commanded myself.

He turned around and smiled at me then quickly lowered his gaze.

"Asalamu Alaikum." He greeted.

"Wa Alaikum Asalam." I replied and sat down next to my father on the sofa across from this man. My mom gave me a look and I sighed. I had done this so many times already.

"Um, my name is Misha Baraniq Maroun. I am sorry for causing you trouble for making you come all the way here." I said, trying to hide my sadness. Oh how I wish this was Saqib!

"Oh no, it was no trouble at all. My name is Mohammed Mahaz Al Shammari but everyone calls me Mahaz." He smiled at me again and I looked down at my hands. I wished this was over already. He looked back and noticed Taalia.

"Salaam." He said.

"Wa Alaikum Asalam." She replied, grinning. Don't you dare smile, you khara. I thought. Once Mahaz turned back, Taalia, as if she had read my mind, stuck her tongue out at me and I glared at her.

"That is Taalia, she is my best friend." I said. Taalia pretended to be honored but my mom caught her and gently hit her arm. Taalia quietly laughed.

"Misha, Mahaz, why don't you two talk for a while? The three of us shall be in the kitchen if you two need anything." My dad said, getting up. Wait! Already you're leaving?!

"Sounds good, uncle." He smiled. Ugh he was so kissing up to Baba. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. I just nodded and my parents and Taalia left. We stayed quiet for a few minutes. Gosh, how boring. I thought. Just then, he cleared his throat.

"So, Misha, do you have a job?" Mahaz asked. I nodded.

"Yes, I work at the local Masjid and help with events and Halaqahs there." I explained.

"MashaAllah, that's good." He said. Another moment of silence. Suddenly, he got up from his seat and came a little closer to me but not too close.

"Misha," He began, his voice barely above a whisper so my parents couldn't hear us. "Will you please say yes into marrying me? I promise, if you say yes, I will provide you with anything and everything you could ever want. But please, I need this marriage to happen or else I won't get what I need." I stared at him in shock.

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