Chapter Thirty-four ~ I know these things, I'm telling you, telepathy!

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Taalia's POV~

I rushed up to my room while everyone was busy pestering Aasim. I still couldn't believe it. He was alive! Alive and well and happy and smiling and perfect and- okay, I need some rest.

I locked my door and unwrapped my scarf, throwing myself onto the bed. I hugged the pillow and buried my face in it. Everything was so messed up now. Aasim was back... but I was engaged to Daiyan. And I was going to have surgery soon! I sighed and closed my eyes. How did all this happen? How was he here? His plane crashed in the ocean with no survivors! I had to ask Raza later. For now, I had to get my mind off of these things.

Even though we had many guests over, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I left the house for a bit, since Aasim was here and all. I grabbed my scarf again, pinning it in place, and composed a text to Misha.

Going out for a bit to cool off. Tell my parents and Raza not to freak out, plz? Thx, love ya.

I grabbed a few bills from my wallet, stuffing them in my jacket pocket and snuck out the back door downstairs.

I walked to the nearby park. I used to come here all the time as a kid with Misha, Saqib, Aasim, and Aleena, when she still lived here. Once I arrived, I saw quite a few parents there with their kids. I sat on one of the empty benches and pulled the hood up over my hijab and tightened my jacket around me. It was starting to get pretty chilly this early in September. Well, that's Canada for you. There were a few days at the end of August where it got pretty cold as well.

I silently watched the people in the big park. There were couples and kids everywhere. I watched as a nearby couple were laughing together and a little girl ran up to them shouting "Mommy! Daddy!". The couple smiled as their daughter ran into her father's arms and he picked her up and swung her around in the air. A pang of jealousy erupted in my heart. I so badly wished I could have that kind of happiness, to be married to the one I loved and to have little kids to call my own. But who knew if I would be able to marry Daiyan in the first place? I would be a terrible wife to him. He would have to deal with my tumor and probably have to play the roles of husband and wife at the same time. I couldn't even promise him kids! What if my body would become to weak to bear any children?!

There was no point in thinking of all this now. I was already engaged to him.

I shook my head to myself and looked away. Coming to the park certainly didn't make things better.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, forcing myself to think of something else. My thoughts drifted off to Aleena earlier today. When she had gone outside to get the sweets, I was worried as to why she was taking so long. So I went outside to look for her and was surprised to see her practically in the arms of... him. I remembered the way they looked at each other and it was clear that they were both in love even though they barely knew each other! I knew Aleena and she would never touch a guy on purpose, heck, she would always do her best to avoid them altogether! After what happened with her dad, she never trusted boys so she decided to never get married. I certainly never expected her to fall in love and who she was in love with surprised me even more! And there might have been a chance that he loved her too...

I had to do something about this.

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

When I got home that evening, everyone had left... including Aasim. I went up to my room, thankful I didn't run into my parents or my siblings, and found Aleena lying on the bed, a thoughtful expression on her face as she stared up at the ceiling.

"Hey, Leen." I said, grabbing her attention. She turned to me.

"Oh, Taalia. Where were you? You were gone for like three hours." She asked, sitting up.

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