Chapter Fifteen ~ Blue and green eyes are my favourite

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Taalia's POV~

I stared at her with wide eyes.

"W-what?" I stammered.

"Is he here?!" Zaara asked excitedly. Laibah nodded.

"Yes! He's talking with Baba and he's really nice Alhamdulillah!" She cried.

"Oh my Allah, can she go meet him?!" Yasmin asked.

"That's what I was sent for! Come, Taali, I'm POSITIVE you'll like him!" Before I could protest, Laibah grabbed my arm and pulled me to the den room. She fixed my hijab along the way and when she nodded in approval at it, she pushed me into the room.

"Ah and here she is. Son, meet my youngest daughter, Taalia. Taali dear, come!" Baba held his hand out to me.

Son?? He was already calling him son?! I thought. I took a seat next to Baba, keeping my gaze down. I did not want to look at this man. I was SO not ready for this!

"Asalamu Alaikum." I heard him say. I replied back quietly, still not looking at him.

"Introduce yourself, habibti." Baba said gently. I sighed and finally looked up.

"My name is Taalia Khan." I said. My eyes slightly widened at the sight of him. Ya Allah, he was gorgeous (Astaghfirullah)!

I quickly looked away. He chuckled a bit which confused me but I decided to ignore it.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Daiyan Zafar." He said. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the girls staring through the small window in the door to the den room. Misha had an angry look on her face as she gave Daiyan a death stare. I stifled a laugh. Misha caught me looking at her. I gave her a look and she nodded. A few minutes after of awkward small talk, Misha burst into the room.

"Ah, please forgive me! I just need my theize- I mean Taali for a few minutes." She faked a smile. My dad gave her a look but let me go. Once I was in the kitchen where everyone else was, Misha and I burst out laughing.

"What the heck was that?!" I cried. "Ah, please forgive me." I mimicked in a deep voice.

"Okay you little khara do you wanna go back in there?" Misha threatened.

"You wouldn't dare make me..."

"Try me." We glared at each other for a few seconds before we burst into another fit of giggles.

"But seriously, how dare you smile at him? YOU CAN'T GET MARRIED TO HIM, YOU THEIZE!" She yelled at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Who is that guy?" Saqib asked.

"His name is Daiyan Zafar." I answered.

"Did you ever meet him before?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No but he seems awfully close to my dad." I heard Misha gasp.

"That is never a good sign. You have to do something, Taali, YOU CAN'T LET YOUR DAD LIKE HIM OR ELSE'S HE'LL PUSH YOU INTO THE MARRIAGE AND THEN ALL WILL BE RUINED AND I'LL BE LIKE THAT SISTER-IN-LAW THAT ALWAYS GETS INTO FIGHTS WITH THE HUSBAND AND-" She shook my shoulders as she talked but I interrupted.

"Shut up, he's down the hall!" I cried.

"WE HAVE TO GET RID OF HIM!" Misha continued to scream.


"You better not or else I'll kill you so hard and your body will never be found." She threatened. I rolled my eyes again.

"But what if you get to know him?" Yasmin asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

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