Chapter Thirty-five ~ I want a hundred babies!!

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Taalia's POV~

"So, did you think about it?" Aleena asked me quietly the next day at breakfast. I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it then. Luckily, Aleena understood and didn't press the matter further. I cleared my throat.

"So, I was thinking of going back to the orphanage to, you know, read to the kids again." I had told Aleena about the Masjid and the orphanage before over the phone. She looked up at me and smiled.

"That's great, Taali! Are you going today?"

"If I can get someone to drop me off, then yes InshaAllah." I explained. I wasn't allowed to drive because of the tumor, due to random points of fatigue or losing my way because of sudden memory changes.

"I'll do it! If you don't mind letting me finish my meeting first, I'd like to come with you too."

"That would be great! Then let me know when you're done your meeting." I smiled.

Aleena finished her meeting by two in the afternoon so we had a few of hours to spare at the orphanage. Once we got there, the kids went ballistic when they saw me. I didn't think they would miss me so much! They went crazy when they met Aleena too and soon we were caught up in their tea parties and toy car races. It was good to let loose and be free with the kids again. Aleena seemed to enjoying herself too. She clicked really well with Lucy and some of the other staff members, and the children just couldn't keep their little hands off of her!

It had been two hours since we arrived at the orphanage. I was helping one of the chefs, Melanie, make snacks for everyone. Aleena was with Lucy, helping to get the kids to the big dining table. Once Melanie and I were done, we brought the big trays to the children and set down their food.

I was in the middle of helping one of the girls clean up the juice she had spilled when Aleena came up to me.

"Taali, is Raza supposed to be here?" She asked, pointing to the doorway that lead to the little cafeteria where I saw Raza. I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Um, no. I'll go see what he wants." I wiped my hands on a napkin and hurried over to my brother. "Salaam, Raza, what are you doing here?"

"Wa Salaam. Think you could leave the orphanage for now?" He asked with the hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Why?" I asked, now starting to get a little worried.

"Nadirah's water broke."

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

By the time we got to the hospital, they had already taken Nadirah into a room and wasn't allowing anyone to go in. I sat in the waiting room where I saw my dad and my sisters. Aleena and I said my salaams to them and took a seat next to Laibah.

"Where are the kids?" I asked.

"With our husbands." She replied. I nodded.

"When was she brought in?"

"About fifteen minutes before you and Raza came. Apparently she's going through a lot of pain and now would be a good time for her to have the baby but she's not ready. They might end up doing C-section." Laibah explained. That was why everyone was so quiet. I nodded and silently prayed that she would be okay, InshaAllah.

Most of the day was spent at the hospital. My dad and Raza only left to go pray at the Masjid while my sisters and Aleena prayed in one of the spare rooms.

It was past Maghrib and we were still waiting for the doctor or Nadirah's husband or my mom (the only ones actually allowed in the room) to come and give us any updates, but so far there were none.

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