Chapter Seventeen ~ Don't you dare, you hear me?

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Aasim's POV~

"HAMIZ WHERE DID YOU PUT IT?" I called up to my brother from downstairs.

"IN THE KITCHEN!" He called back.

"Who puts something like that in the kitchen?" I muttered to myself, going through all the random packages on the kitchen table. Finally, I found the small box and ran upstairs to my brother's room. I opened the door and my eyes widened at the mess and I stared at Hamiz sitting in the middle of it all wearing only a pair of jeans.


"Don't blame me, Mama pushed all this stuff in!"

"I just cleaned everything too!" I groaned, tossing him the small box. He caught it swiftly then glared at me.

"Little brother, let me tell you that this necklace was very expensive and it is for my soon-to-be wife!" Hamiz said.

"And let me tell you that your soon-to-be wife will be staying in this mess of a room of yours!" I reminded.

"Okay, just help me clean up while I change?" He pleaded and hurriedly got up to go get his clothes from Mama. But the second he opened the door, Mama was there and pushed him back inside.

"Hamiz, the girls are here, you can't go out like that!" She cried.

"But I need my clothes!" He protested. Mama sighed then opened the door and yelled down the stairs,

"Taalia, can you please bring me Hamiz's clothes from the living room?" She called. I froze. What is she doing here?

"Yes, Aunty!" I heard her call back. Then I remembered my mom asking her and Misha for help during Hamiz's wedding.

A few minutes later, Taalia was up in Hamiz's room handing him his clothes.

"Make sure you put it on the right way, the front has like these flap-like-thingys and the back is just one solid layer. Oh, and make sure you put the little scarf on properly, make sure that it looks thin so don't spread it out and make it look weird. Also..." Taalia and Mama went on and on about how Hamiz was to put on his wedding attire while Misha was busy scolding me about not wearing proper clothes.

"Don't you dare wear jeans, you hear me? This is your brother's wedding for goodness sake. And make sure you wear green, you HAVE to wear green because the theme of the wedding is red and gold and green looks perfect with red." She rambled on.

"Are you sure that's not the only reason?" I asked, giving her a look.

"Okay, Taalia might be wearing green as well." She said in a hushed tone. I rolled my eyes.


"Shut up. You will do as I say, Mr. Aasim Malik, you hear me?"

"Yes, sir." She glared at me. Soon after, all the women left and me and my brother sighed.

"Girls..." We muttered.

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Taalia's POV~

An hour after Zuhr, Aasim's sister-in-laws all came over and we all took over the bathrooms to get ready. My parents and sisters and Misha's parents came over as well and were discussing things with Aasim's parents. It reminded me of how close all of our families actually were and how that made events such as weddings so fun and chaotic. Everything was almost done, I just had to wrap up my hijab before I was finished.

Aasim's mom (Aunty Fatima) made me go around doing a lot of errands while she herself was busy with making sure everything was ready. We were to go to the wedding hall in only a few hours and everything was still in chaos.

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