Chapter Eight ~ Habibti, I'm so proud!

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Misha's POV~

I was so nervous. Baba almost never asked me to go up to his study unless it was something really important. In this case, I was guessing it would be about Mahaz.
As we stepped inside, I sat down on one of the chairs. Baba sat down in the one across from me.

"Habibti, how were you feeling about today?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Same as I always felt when Ma found another suitor; annoyed." I said. He chuckled.

"You know she just wants you to be happy and so do I."

"I know Baba. JazakAllah for that."

There was a few minutes of silence.

"So, I might as well just get straight to the point; do you like Mahaz?" He asked. There it is. I took a deep breath and shook my head.

"I'm sorry Baba, but I don't think I'll ever be able to think of him as my husband." I replied.

"Why? What's wrong with him?" He asked, but he didn't sound upset or angry.

"Well, I just um don't feel anything around him and I just don't think we quite match." I said. Baba nodded and didn't press the matter any further. I grabbed a nearby unopened water bottle and started drinking from it. There was another moment of silence as I kept drinking when he suddenly asked,

"What about Saqib?"
I started choking on the water and Baba quickly stepped over and started patting my back. Once I calmed down, I asked,

"What?" Baba smiled and sat down again.

"I'm asking if you like Saqib or not."

"Like him as in like him or like him like him?" I asked, unsure of where this was going.

"Like him like him." Baba replied. I felt my cheeks flush and I looked down at my hands. "Can I take that as a yes?" He asked quietly. I hesitated then slowly nodded.

"Habibti, why didn't you tell me or your Ma before?" He asked. I looked up, at him.

"It doesn't matter. Not like anything would have happened anyway." I said, muttering the last part and looking down again.

"Yes, it does matter."

"Why, Baba?" He stayed silent for a moment before saying,

"He proposed." I looked up, my eyes widening.

"What?" My voice was barely above a whisper.

"Misha habibti, Saqib came today to ask for your hand in marriage." Baba said, taking my hands in his. I gasped and my hand flew to my mouth. Tears were forming in the back of my eyes. I couldn't believe it! Saqib, the Saqib who I have been in love with for, like, EVER, had come to ask me to marry him?! Baba laughed and gave me a hug.

"Habibti, will you marry Saqib?" He asked. I nodded, the tears finally streaming down my face, unable to find the words to speak.

"Do you want to go tell him or should I?" He asked, pulling away. I still couldn't speak so I just pointed to him and he laughed.
"Come, let's go tell him." He handed me a tissue and once I fixed myself up, we went downstairs together. We were greeted by everyone in the living room. Saqib immediately stood up when he saw me. I felt the tears forming again but I didn't want to let them come. Taalia and Ma rushed up to me and pulled me away from Baba. I could tell that they knew.

"Misha?" Taalia asked. I looked away from her to my father with Saqib and Aasim. Baba said something quietly to Saqib and I noticed his eyes widen and he quickly looked over to me. I turned back to Taalia.

"Well?" Ma asked. I hesitated before nodding.

"Oh Misha!" Ma embraced me and Taalia cheered.

"See, I told you she would say yes!" She cried. I laughed and the tears streamed my cheeks again. Oh, how embarrassing! I thought. I quickly wiped them away and looked to Saqib. Aasim was hugging him and when he pulled back, Saqib looked to me and grinned. I felt myself blushing and I looked down at the floor, a smile forming on my face.
I seriously COULD NOT believe this was happening!

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Taalia's POV~

There was a lot of discussion about Misha and Saqib's wedding (eek, it's finally happening!) but the two just decided to talk to each other first then if both sides are still yes, they would set a date for the engagement In Sha Allah! I really wanted to stay with Misha but it was almost time for Islamic school and Saqib had a meeting in regards to an event coming up at the Masjid. So unfortunately the two lovebirds were separated but it's just for now!

I was so excited. I wondered what kind of dress would I wear. Where were they going to have it? Was it going to be a big function? Oh, I was so excited and I wasn't even the one getting married!

As I parked my car in front of the Masjid, I saw Raza there with some of his friends and Aasim.

"Yo, Taali!" Raza rushed up to me.

"Salaam, little brother." I greeted.

"Wa Salaam! I heard Misha said yes!" He said.

"Haha, yes, she did! In Sha Allah the engagement will be soon but they decided to start talking to each other first." I explained.

"Hah, what's there to talk about? It's obvious their in love with each other... ew." Raza pretended to be disgusted and I laughed.

"Alright, I gotta go head up to the classroom. I'll see you later, little brother!" I said, hurrying into the Masjid.

"Salaam!" He called to me.

"Wa Salaam!" I replied back and hurried inside and up the stairs to the classroom.

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

After the last kid left, I started packing up my things. Aasim was finishing up, he was just cleaning the boards.

"How do you think the kids did on the test?" He suddenly asked. Our grade five to sevens all did a test today and Aasim had written it this time and he was worried if it would be too hard for them.

"Oh, I think they did pretty well. Considering on how easy you made the test!" I smirked.

"I thought I made it too hard!" He cried. I chuckled and put in the last few papers into my bag.

"Alright, I'll go now. Tomorrow my sisters are coming so I have to go home and help my mom prepare." I said.

"Oh, give them my salaams! And if you guys need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me." He smiled. I smiled back.

"JazakAllah Khayr, Aasim. Asalamu Alaikum!" I said.

"Wa Alaikum Asalam, Taalia!" He replied. I picked up my bags and started walking towards the exit.

As I was just about to approach the door, I suddenly started feeling dizzy. I shook my head a bit and the dizziness went away. Well, that felt weird. I thought. But just two seconds later, it returned and I felt myself tip over from weakness and I quickly balanced myself by holding onto one of the desks. Luckily, Aasim was still cleaning the boards so he hadn't noticed. I continued walking but the dizziness returned and it got worse. My head started hurting so bad, it felt as if something was hitting it, hard, over and over again. I started feeling faint. I felt myself tip over again but when I reached out to grab onto something, I missed and fell to the ground. My vision started blurring and things were becoming darker. The last thing I saw was Aasim hovering over me and calling my name.

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AN: Felt like doing a cliffhanger hehehe. JazakAllah Khayr for reading! Remember to vote and comment if you likey! ♡♡♡

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