Chapter Fifty-one ~ Aasim and Taalia's wedding (part two)

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AN: The left one is Misha's dress and the right one is Aleena's dress, just add sleeves! :)

Aasim's POV~

"You like her, don't you?" Saqib suddenly said and I turned to him, eyebrows raised.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a sip of my ice capp. It was after soccer practice and Saqib and I had gone to a nearby Tim Horton's for drinks.

"Do I really have to say it?" He asked. "You like Taalia."

I started choking on my drink and Saqib just watched me from across the table, grinning. Once I had regained my composure, I glared at him.

"Mind telling me what that was about?!"

"I thought I made myself pretty clear. You. Like. Ta-"

"No, no, stop!" I interrupted him, holding my hands up. Saqib smirked.

"I knew it."

"Can you please tell my why you are confronting me about this - which is not true - so suddenly?"

"Dude, I see the way you've been looking at her recently. To be honest, I saw this coming but didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Saw what coming?!"

"Your love for Taalia!"


"Why are you worried? It's not like anyone's- oh Taalia!" Saqib waved to someone behind me and I quickly turned around but saw that no one was there. I turned back slowly, glaring at Saqib. "What's wrong buddy?"

"You annoy me."  I scowled. 

"You thought someone would be here?" he pretended to innocently look over my shoulder towards the doors and I glared daggers at him. 

"Very mature." Saqib held his hands up in surrender and smirked. 

"So I was right?" 

"I never said anything." I said, turning away to look out the window. 

"You didn't have to. I'm your best friend remember?" he said and I turned back to him. 

"You don't let me forget." 

"Exactly. I can tell if you like a girl or not. And I've noticed the way you act around Taalia these days." 

"And how is that?" I asked. 

"Well, for example, you always seem to stare at her a lot more these days, especially since the other day when we went to that party and Taalia and her family were the last ones to arrive, as usual, and you just couldn't seem to take your eyes off of her." Saqib smirked at me and I opened my mouth to protest when I realized that he was right. Well, it wasn't my fault. She looked good in red! 


"And," he interrupted. "You've been super nice to Taalia, and by super nice, I mean super nice to her. I swear, everybody's probably noticed by now." 

"I've always been nice to her though..." I said but he gave me  a look and I sighed. I was beginning to realize he was right. 

"You know I'm right." he smirked, reading my thoughts. I scowled again and just turned away from him, finishing up my ice capp. 

During the following week, Saqib would always come up to me and start bugging me about Taalia and my so called 'crush' on her. So annoying... 

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