Chapter Five ~ I think I'm ready...

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Taalia's POV~

I put down the book I was reading and looked up to see a very out of breath Misha standing at my door.

"Ya Allah, do you know how much I ran because you wouldn't pick up your stupid phone?!" She cried.

"You ran? I'm sorry, I think you've come to the wrong Taalia. My Misha doesn't run." I said, picking up my book again and continuing to read. But Misha grabbed my book and threw it on my bed.

"You khara!" I cried.


"YAHMAR!" We yelled at each other. Misha sighed in frustration.


"It was out of charge so I didn't get any calls." I said, picking up my book and placing my bookmark in it before putting it on my desk.

"You khara! You never forget to charge your phone when something this big happened to your best friend!" She cried. I laughed and patted the seat next to me.

"So, what's this big thing that happened to you?" I asked. Misha closed my door and sat down.

"Okay, I have been thinking A LOT lately and I think I know what I want to do now." Misha said. My eyes widened and I got closer to her.

"Misha..." I started but I didn't have to finish. She nodded her head eagerly and started bouncing in her seat.

"I want to marry Saqib!" She cried. I screamed and threw my arms around her but she fell back and we were both laughing and hugging on the bed. Raza yelled at us to be quiet so I sat up and took her hands in mine.

"Have you told your parents?" I asked.

"No not yet, I wanted to tell you first!" She cried. I squealed again and started bouncing around the room.

"Oh my gosh, when are you going to tell your parents?! When do you want to get married to him? Do you want it after Uni or this summer? Maybe you could have it this Eid!!" I cried. But Misha just grabbed me and pulled me to the bed.

"Shh! Don't get too ahead of yourself! Remember I don't want to be the one proposing! And I don't even know if he likes me!" She cried. I glared at her.

"Are you stupid or something? OF COURSE HE WANTS TO MARRY YOU. DO YOU NOT REMEMBER HIS BRILLIANT RESCUE OF YOUR DRESS TWO WEEKS AGO?! OH GOSH HE'S PROBABLY TOO SCARED." I shouted. This time, Misha smacked her hand on top of my mouth and gave me a death glare.

"You khara, Raza is right next door!" She said, taking her hand off me. I giggled.

"Sorry, habibti!" I said. Misha sighed and laid down on my bed.

"It doesn't matter if I have feelings for him, especially such strong ones, he doesn't like me and he won't propose." I looked at my friend sadly. She had no confidence that Saqib could have had feelings for her. She loved and respected him so much, she thought he wouldn't want anything to do with someone like her. But I was sure that Saqib would see how wonderful and amazing my dear Misha was and that she was everything he had ever been searching for.

Misha sat up and gave me a weird look.

"What?" She asked. I quickly took her in my arms and held her close.

"Haha Taali, what's with all the love and affection all of a sudden?"

"Oh Mishi, don't worry, he'll come to you, I'm sure Allah will bring him to you." I said quietly. I felt Misha nod and she hugged me back. I hated seeing her this sad. I prayed silently that she would be able to be happy with Saqib soon.

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Aasim's POV~

"Okay, Saqib, can you please explain to me why you are calling me at THREE IN THE MORNING?!" I yelled into the phone.
Saqib had suddenly called me. He hadn't been getting much sleep lately and I wasn't sure why, but I was concerned. He wouldn't tell me why he couldn't sleep and I guess tonight had gotten so bad that he decided to call me at three... in the morning... I groaned.

"Sorry bro, but I just needed to tell someone!" Saqib said.

"Tell who what?" I asked, laying my head back down on my pillow. I tried to stay awake, listening to my friend. I was so tired. Working at the hospital had been tough these last few days and I finally had a break tomorrow so I was planning on sleeping as much as I could. But Saqib thought not.

"Okay, so you know that girl who like, well, she um then well uh-"

"Come on, Saqib, just say it! What about Misha?!" I cried.

"Oi! How did you know it was about her?" Saqib asked.

"Duh, who else would you be thinking about at three in the morning while freaking out?" I said.

"Shut up. Okay, well, you see..."

"Saqib, if you don't spill it in the next ten seconds, I'm going to hang up and block and delete your number." I threatened.

"Yo, bro, wait! Okay, here goes... IthinkIwannamarryMisha!" He said very fast.

"Heh?" I asked, confused.

"Aasim, I think I wanna be with her, I think I want to marry Misha." Saqib said slowly. My eyes widened as I sat up in bed.

"Wait, wait, wait... WAIT. YOU WHAT?!" I cried.

"Yeah, I want to propose to Misha." Saqib said.

"Oh my god, are you serious?!" I asked surprised.

"Yeah." I could tell he was smiling.

"Bro, Mabrook!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks man but I haven't proposed to her yet. What if she won't accept?" He asked, worried.

"Oh don't worry, she will." I said.

"Really? How do you know?" He asked.

"I just do. Watch, the second she gets your proposal, she'll accept."

"Really? Hmm... what do you know?" He asked, suspicious.

"Haha I can only say so much."

"Wait, what? You do know something?!"

"Haha, maybe..."

"Tell me!"

"Nah, I pass."

"It wasn't an option."

"Okay, now have you gotten everything off your chest?" I asked, yawning.

"Yeah, for now. Sorry to disturb you man." He apologized.

"Nah, it's a good. Are you going to the Masjid for Fajr?" I asked

"Of course."

"Alright, then we'll talk more then."

"Alright, thanks and sorry again bro."

"No problem. Salaam."

"Wa Alaikum Asalam." After we hung up, I crashed my head onto the pillow again and grinned to myself. Even though he hadn't proposed yet, I knew that my boy was getting married!

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