Chapter XIV: Kiss the Girl

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"Maybe you should just kiss me." I breathed out, my eyes snapping between Elijah's parted lips to his heated dark gaze. He seemed conflicted. Like he wanted nothing more than to lean in and take me right there. But at the same time, he was waiting for something. "Elijah...Please." I whispered out, trying to urge him to do what I wanted. But when my words came out, his eyes looked up to mine. His thumb pressing against my bottom lip before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Later." He growled out into my ear before pulling away from me. "For now, let's go out into town. Maybe grab a bite to eat." He hummed as he stood up straight and dropped his hand from my face. I stared up at him dumbfounded. Did he just.. Why do my mates think it's okay to just leave a girl like this?? Elijah looked down at me, tilting his head slightly with a ghost of a smirk playing at his lips. "Is everything okay, Octavia?"

I was about to tell him, no. I was about to demand that he kiss me and quit playing these games with me. But then I stopped. Thinking back to when we were in the elevator, talking about the 50 Shades of Grey thing. He wants to be in control. Wants to be dominant with me. He didn't completely say it, but he did insinuate it. Would he punish me?

I looked back up at him, a small smile playing on my lips which caused him to look a bit confused.

"Everything is okay, sir." I hummed out before walking around him. Not before noticing his eyes darken slightly at my endearment. If he wants to play a game of push and pull. Then let's play. I was going to do everything I could- to get punished. My masochistic personality craving to see what he would do to me. "Let me just call the guys. Let them know where we are and what not." I said before walking into a separate room, letting the door slam behind me. That's tick one.

I pulled out my phone, scrolling through the contacts until I found Finn. He would be the more relaxed one to speak to. I hit his name, letting it ring once before his voice echoed into my ear.

"Angel? Where are you? I was looking everywhere for you." Finn spoke in a slightly panicked tone. I smiled at how much he cared for me.

"Elijah took me out. We'll be out all weekend I think." I walked over to the window in the bedroom, trying to see where we were. "Although, I probably should have paid more attention to the road signs as he drove. I really don't know where we are."

"He too you out of the town without telling us?? Oh, Kol and Klaus will be pissed." He chuckled shortly. He seemed more relaxed now that he was hearing my voice. "Do you plan on calling them next?"

"Um- actually I was hoping you would let them know. Kol might get mad that he didn't get to take me out next. Don't let him kill anybody over it.." I trailed off. Would he kill people over me going out for a few days? I wouldn't put it past him. From what I hear him and Klaus are the ones with the jealousy issues and tempers.

"Are you not afraid Niklaus will go on a killing spree?" I bit my lip, thinking about it.

"No. He will probably just throw a tantrum and go paint or something. Is he even home yet?" I asked him as I picked at my nails. Would you believe me if I told you I had never gotten my nails done before? Well, I haven't. Probably because of the running. I wonder if I could get Rebekah to come home and go with me...or maybe even go with Caroline. I could get Nik to pay for both of us. Maybe I should call Caroline. I haven't heard from her since I left her house.

"Yes, he came home about an hour ago. I believe he had some Doppleganger business earlier. But I'm not completely sure." I hummed in response as I saw Elijah enter the bedroom. His brown eyes looking over at me. I smiled and wiggled my fingers at him in a wave.

"Hey Finn?" I questioned, earning a hum in response to go on. "Have you ever seen the Little Mermaid?" My eyes were on Elijah as I spoke to Finn. His eyebrows scrunched together, trying to figure out what I was getting at.

"The animated movie about a mermaid? Kol and Rebekah watched it in the living room a few weeks before we found you. Why do you ask?"

"What was that thing Ariel had to get done before three days were up? I completely forgot." I huffed, trying to sound annoyed. Elijah shook his head, a small smirk playing on his gorgeous lips.

"Wasn't she supposed to get the Prince to kiss her?" I made a cheering noise.

"Thats right!! He had to kiss the girl!!" I cheered happily. "Thank you Finn!! I think I'm going out now, so I should go. I'll call you tonight, alright?" Elijah narrowed his eyes at me, shaking his head. Telling me no.

"I highly doubt it, but okay. I'll await your call." With that we hung up. Elijah stride over to me, placing his hand on my cheek.

"You won't be needing your phone anymore after that call." He told me clearly, using his other hand to pull my phone from my hand.

"But I need to call Caroline!" I pouted, but made no attempt to actually stop him from taking my phone. Elijah leaned down towards me, his closeness causing me to freeze.

"Maybe if you behave, you can have it back later." He tried to reason with me. I gave him my best challenging eyes.

"And if I don't?" I challenged him. Elijah tilted his head to the side with a raised brow, probably shocked that I was legit pushing him. His hand slid from my cheek to the base of my throat. Not in a choke me kind of way, but in a 'I'm in control' type of way. Either way, major turn on. My teal laced panties were drenched.

"I don't think there's a safe word out there that would be able to stop me." Elijah breathed, leaning into my space bubble. (Don't you dare comment saying this is bad. We ALL know if Octavia told him to stop or anything that gave signs of her needing him to stop, he would Edward Cullen himself to the wall to force himself to stop. So stop being idiots and shut up.)

Air seemed to get stuck in my throat at how close he was to kissing me. My lips parting in anticipation. His fingers tightening slightly around my throat as his other hand reached out and brushed against my cheek. I don't even know how it worked with my head moving towards his hand some. Like a magnet wanting to be connected.

"Don't push me, Octavia." He growled out in a breathy low tone. I couldn't fight the small moan to leave my throat as a shiver ran up my spine. Elijah smirked down at me. "Or maybe you might enjoy that. Losing control. Would you like me to take what I want from you? Take my pleasures and leave you wanting more?"

Did I just nod? Oh, my god. What was this man doing to me? It was like I was under some kind of spell. I was just waiting for him to tell me what to do. I think I would do just about anything this man told me to do.

"Elijah I-" I closed my mouth. Not wanting to embarrass myself in front of him.

"What do you want, Octavia?" Elijah asked.

His voice just kept getting lower and raspier. Like his sex drive was becoming so thick that it was crushing his vocal cords. Is that even how it worked? Why did men's voices get so low and raspy?

"Tell me." I looked up to his eyes, watching them darken so much they were nearly black. I was about to open my mouth when the sound of my ringtone, Who Let the Dogs Out, started to play. Elijah pulled his hand from my throat, stepping back some before lifting my phone to his ear. "Yes, Niklaus?"

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