Chapter XX: Terrors

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Elijah ended up having us leave so early in the morning. It was literally four in the morning. It wasn't a long drive, but he claimed that Niklaus and Kol would be on our case if we didn't come home before the sun began to rise. It wouldn't be that bad of a drive if it wasn't for the throbbing headache I was fighting. I was currently leaning against the window of the car, with my eyes closed when I could feel Elijah grab my hand.

"Are you alright? Your heart is a bit quicker." He commented as he looked at me slightly concerned. I lift my head up and looked at him with hooded eyes to avoid the headlights of the cars driving by.

"Is it possible to get hungover on vampire blood?" I questioned. Elijah furrowed his eyebrows at me, confused and more concerned.

"You have a headache?" I huffed out a sigh, nodding, raising my hand to my temple and rubbing it gently.

"I'm not a vampire, Elijah. I'm not immune to all illness and pain." I told him in a bit of a snippy tone. My head was throbbing with pressure.

"I know that. But you invested vampire blood all day- you should be fine for a while." He explained. I looked back at him a bit confused as to why I had a headache then. But he just shook his head. "Close your eyes, maybe you need some rest and some water. I'll stop at the gas station and get you something." He told me as he drove down an exit, seeing a gas station not to far up the road. I nodded, closing my eyes and leaning my head to the window again. I felt Elijah place something over me, peaking my eyes open to see his suit jacket laying over me like a blanket. I smiled at him in thanks, pulling it close to me before dozing off.


"You guys are late!!" I could hear Kol shouting outside of the car. Elijah had already gotten out and was shushing him.

"Don't be so histrionic, Kol." Elijah scolded him. "And keep it down, she's sleeping."

"Sleeping? Why would she- ohhhh you tired her out." Kol mumbled. Jealousy could be heard in tone.

"Don't be so jealous, brother. She has a headache so I told her to rest on the way." Elijah informed him before Klaus' voice chirped up.

"Headache? Didn't you two complete the bond? That's not-"

"I know. So for now, keep your theatrics down and help me get her and the bags inside." Elijah cut in. I heard the door open slowly causing me to jerk my head up a bit in surprise.

"Shh. I've got you, love. Lay your head back down." Niklaus spoke as he lifted me out of the car and pressed my head to his chest. His steady beating dead heart calming me back into a light sleep state.


A breeze caused me to open my eyes, looking around to see I was back in the car that flew off the cliff. The whole top of the car was torn off and the breeze was flowing around me. I could feel the blood dripping down my forehead and out of my nose. How the hell- I'm dreaming.

Are you?

My head pulsed from the injury becoming more apparent. Closing my eyes tightly, I tried to focus my breathing. Opening my eyes back up, I looked around. The blonde man with blue eyes was gone. Which I don't know whether to be thankful for or not. It was becoming relatively difficult to tell which realm was reality and what was just a dream.

The headache- Is this reality? Am I really not back home?

You don't have a home.

That voice- I've always heard some voice in my head. Like when I first arrived to Mystic Falls, it had told me to run. It came to me when I had turned 18. Am I crazy?


My head throbbed as I pulled myself out of the car. My arm had a huge gash in it. How do I wake myself up? Can I even wake myself up? Or is this really my new reality? I looked down to my hand to see my wrist markings were still there. Two of the triangles were nearly completed. Elijah and Finn. We only had to admit our love for each other now. Niklaus had yet to bite me and Kol hasn't been with me at all.

So my markings were up to date. But that didn't really mean anything, right? I looked at the car, spotting a small piece of glass. Here goes nothing. I inhaled sharply before slamming my hand on it.


"Octavia!" I jolted upright, my throat scratchy from screaming in pain. Nik was sitting next to me before the door slammed open to reveal Finn, Elijah and Kol. I just sat there, panting. Trying to catch my breath. But I could feel my brain being pushed into a panic attack. My breathing was coming out in harsh forceful wheezes. Tears pouring out of my eyes in streams. I could feel my heart beating a mile a minute. Elijah and Finn both could feel it, both flashing over to me immediately. Nik and Kol sitting in front of me and behind me. All of them were trying to calm me down.

But I think it was only making it worse. Until Nik pulled me to lay against his chest. Pressing my head slightly to the side so I could be over his heartbeat.

"Listen to my heart beat, love. Listen to the air leaving my out....1..2...3." Nik breathed, his hand stroking my hair soothingly. I did as he said. Listening to his heart beating calmly. His breathing steady and slow. "Out 1...2...3..." Nik kept chanting as I tried to match his breathing technique. Slowly, my own heart beat slowed down along with my breathing. "In ....1...2....3...There you are.." He shushed as he kept carding his fingers through my hair.

The others were sitting there looking at us. I could feel how useless they felt. But also how shocked they were that Nik knew how to calm me down.

"I've had panic attacks before. They're not fun." Nik muttered before he pressed his lips to my head. After he made sure I was calm again, he lifted me up slightly to look at me. "What happened, love? One moment you were sleeping peacefully and the next you were screaming in pain." I looked at him confused. My mind had already become foggy over what had happened in the last ten or so minutes. My throat hurt like I had screamed, but all I could remember was waking up in the panic attack.

"I-I don't know." I admitted. Just as confused at the others were. Elijah looked the most concern as his eyes looked me over.

"This happened last night as well. Well- beside the panic attack. You woke up screaming, remember?" He questioned, looking at me. I shrugged.

"Maybe I'm just having nightmares?"

"More like terrors." Kol chirped. Finn smacked his head though. "Hey!" He huffed in annoyance. "Night terrors are more like what she's having. Waking up from sleep, screaming. Not remembering why. Thats a terror. Nightmares, you remember." Kol explained.

"Maybe I should speak to my witches after we eat. See if they can figure anything out." Elijah offered as he got off the bed and leaned down, kissing my head.

"I'll stay with her. I can always enter your mind next time you scream- see if I can see what's causing it." Nik offered. I looked up at him with my brow raised causing him to frown. "If thats okay, at least." I sighed, nodding.

"If it's necessary." With that, Finn left the room with Kol, deciding to make breakfast in bed for me as Nik snuggled up to me. Soothing me before turning a tv on. I feel like I had just been bedridden for night terrors. This is going to be interesting.

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