Chapter LXIII: Use Me

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Elijah came up with a plan of action for me and my crazy voice in my head. Turns out whenever one of my mates it around me, its silent. Like its afraid of them.

Its not like they can hear the voice. So I didn't really understand how it worked. But it didn't matter now since I was never alone for more than a minute. I even had one of them in the bathroom when I showered. Crazy. But, shower sex is still a thing.

I hadn't read anything else in my moms journal. The tattered old book sat on my dresser, glaring at me whenever I did come into the room. It demanded my attention. Begged me to read the words on its stained pages.

But I was scared.

What would it tell me? Who I truly was? Who my father is? Is he even alive still? Did he leave us? Or did my mom leave him? What if he was bad? Abusive? Evil?

Not to mention the fact that my mother knew of her death. Was it planned? Or was it just inevitable?

So many questions that I wasn't sure I wanted the answer to. But I did need to know....right? What if I was a dragon or something? I would need to know that, right?

Or maybe I'm a dormant vampire? Or a shifter? Or hell, maybe I'm a damn penguin!

The possibilities were endless. Would this affect the pregnancy? We already know the baby is going to be half siren and vampire... and wolf if its Niks. What else will it be?

Would it be born with red eyes? A tail? Two heads? 8 toes? Maybe it will have fangs, or whiskers.

The panic rose in me like vomit everytime I looked at the book. My hand on my belly as I turned away. Kol looking at me with concern.

"A bit greenish, darlin'." Kol commented as he stepped up to me. His brown eyes looked past me to the book before meeting my eyes again. "Why don't you just read it?"

How do I tell him I'm afraid? Does that make me any less of a person? Fear of the unknown. It seems logical. Or maybe cowardly.

"I don't need to." I decided on. Cringing at the way it came out. Kol raised his eyebrow at me, challenging my statement.

"You don't need to know what to expect with the pregnancy or what you could possibly be?" He questioned. I averted my eyes from his, thinking of a distraction frm this conversation. But he quickly grabbed my chin and directed me to meet his heated gaze. "Octavia." There it is.

The way they say my name does things to me. A low husky voice, full of desires that have yet to be explored to the fullest. Filled with restrained needs and wants. My distraction.

"Kol." I said his name in a low tone of my own. Looking at him through my eyelashes to add to the effect. My bottom lip getting caught between my teeth. Kol's eyes snapped to my lip before looking back to my eyes.

"Oh. You're good." He complimented with a smirk before leaning down and capturing my lips with his. I couldn't stop the victorious smile that tugged at my lips as I returned the kiss. My arms wrapping around the back of his neck and pulling him slightly closer.

Kol placed a hand over my swollen stomach, letting out a growl of frustration which caused us to part.

"Elijah and Finn said we have to be more careful with you since tour pregnant." He whined like a child. "The thing is, I don't think I can fuck you softly." His words caused heat to flood through me. My thighs pressing together in excitement.

"I don't think you will hurt the baby." I told him confidently, though my voice came out a bit shaky at the excitement filling me. Kol's eyes sparkled a bit. Mischief and desire mixing together.

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