Chapter XXI: Good boy

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"You look energized today." I jumped, closing the fridge door to see Nik standing there, shirtless. I stared for a moment before taking a bite out of the Opal apple and smiling at him as I chewed. "You feeling a bit better?"

"Well, the headache it gone. Probably just had it from being tired." I told him. Nik raised his eyebrow looking at me. "I was actually thinking of going for a walk- get some fresh air."

"Oh, good. I needed some air as well." Nik agreed, walking over to me and taking my apple from my hand and biting into it.

"Hmm, you can't go out like that though." I muttered, glancing over him. Nik looked down, brows furrowed.

"Well, no. I'd put a shirt on, love. Can't be showing off the merchandise to anyone but you." He teased. But when I shook my head in response, he looked confused.

"Not what I meant, love." I winked as I took the apple back from him and walked away from him. Nik followed after me, curious what I was meaning until I pulled a bag out that I had brought down. Holding up a collar with a leash. Nik's face dropped in a blank stare. Trying to figure out if I was being serious or not. "What's wrong Nik? Cat got your tongue?"

"I am not wearing that in public." Nik said sternly. I raised my eyebrow at him, testing him. Taking a step towards him with a smirk on my lips.

"No one would know it's you, but me." I tried. Nik looked confused for a moment before his eyes softened and realization hit him. "Wanna go for a walk, puppy?" I teased. Nik growled at me, shaking his head no. I stepped closer to him, a smirk on my lips as I saw him step back slightly. Probably afraid I was going to put the collar on him against his will. But I would never. "Niklaus?"

"Octavia?" He responded with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Is it true that you are considered the Alpha?" I asked in an innocent voice. Nik's eyes relaxed before holding pride in them.

"It is." He nodded. I smiled as I placed my hand on his chest, admiring the feeling of his skin. Nik looked at my hand, watching intently to see what game I was playing.

"So wouldn't that make me your Luna?" I asked slowly. Nik's eyes snapped up to meet my own eyes. I won't lie, I did some reading about werewolves and such to find out how it all worked. Hopefully it was based on true facts. But by the look of yellow flashing in his eyes, I could tell they were true.

"Where did you read about that?" He asked carefully. I shrugged.

"Just some light reading." I told him with a smile. "So it's true then? I'm your Luna?" Nik nodded slowly.

"My queen." He whispered with a slight smile, lifting his hand up and stroking my cheek lightly.

"Tell me what being a Luna means, Nikkie." I asked, causing him to freeze up. His eyes showed he knew where I was going with this.

"It means I would do anything for you. Even if it were to embarrass me or hurt me."

"I would never hurt you." I said before he could continue. "But it would make me smile if I could take your wolf out for a walk.." I told him carefully. Nik's lips pursed in thought. Probably debating if he could get out of this or not. After a moment of thought and silence, Nik let out a sigh, nodding his head.

"Very well, love." As soon as he had agreed, I leaned forward, pressing my lips to his. Nik smiled against my lips, pulling me closer by the waist. It was short and sweet. And then Nik pulled back. "Let me go get ready. Bring your coat, I believe it's supposed to rain." He whispered before pressing a kiss to my lips again in a quick peck before going up the stairs. Presumably to get undressed and transform.

I walked over to the closet to grab my rain jacket, sliding my shoes on easily before hearing someone run down the steps.

"Going somewhere?" I turned around to see Kol.

"Only going for a walk. I won't be long." I told him with a smile.

"Not alone, though. Right?" Nik walked down the steps at that moment. Beautiful white fur over his wolfy body. He was gorgeous. "No way." Kol muttered as he looked at Nik. Laughter filing out of his mouth loudly, causing Nik to growl dangerously at him.

"That's enough, Kol." I told him sternly. Kol huffed out a sigh.

"Fine. Take the doggy for a walk. But when you get back- I was wanting to spend some time with you." He tried. I smiled, walking over to him and kissing his cheek.

"Sure. But no picking on Nik. If you could become a Wolf you would be in the same position as him." I told him with a teasing smile. Kol paled slightly, nodding.

"Thank god I'm not a wolf." He muttered as he left the room. I turned to Nik as his head touched my hand. I smiled down at him before kneeling in front of him. My hand reaching out and scratching his head gently. His head tilted back, trying to get closer to my hand. I swear he was smiling as well. I held the collar out in front of him as I pulled my hand back and he let out an odd sighing noise, tipping his head forward. A way of saying, fine.

I smiled and rubbed around his neck before sliding the collar on him. Wolf Nik let out a soft purring sound as I scratched his ears before standing up.

"Let's go, Wolfy." Nik tilted his head slightly at the name, confused. "Well I can't call you Nik in public. Unless you want people to know its you." I raised an eyebrow as Nik growled. A smile on my lips before I nod. "Then let's go."


I walked Nik into the forest lines, before leading him out into town. He let out a small whine as we walked along the sidewalk. People looking towards us, either confused who I was or why I had what looked or smelled like a wolf with me.

"Vee??" I turned my head to look across the street to see Caroline Forbes waving at me before she flashed across the street. Her arms flinging around me quickly in a tight, but bearable hug. "Oh, my god. I haven't heard from you or seen you in so long!! I thought Elena had gotten you killed!" She declared, causing Nik to growl slightly. Her eyes snapped from me to Nik in confusion. "You have a pet wolf?"

"Caroline!" I smiled as I pulled out of her hug. "I do- yeah a pet." I leaned my hand down, petting Nik's head, causing him to whine out.

"He doesn't look friendly." Caroline said as Nik growled at her. I tapped his nose cutting his growl off.

"He is. Just a bit particular on who he is friendly too." I informed her. She smiled before kneeling down in front of him and reaching her hand out, letting him 'sniff' her hand. I tried my best to keep the snort of laughter in my throat, ending up coughing to hide it. Nik looked up at me and glared before Caroline began to pet his head.

"He's so soft!" She exclaimed as she scratched his ears. Nik just let it happen, not wanting to get on my bad side probably, or maybe he was contemplating whether to bite her or not. Looking up at me to see the stern look I was giving him, he let out a huff before pushing his head in Caroline's hands. "Awwh He's such a good boy!!" She laughed, pushing his cheeks together and making him look all chunky. I bit my lip to keep from laughing more.

"I should probably take him back home." I told her, causing Caroline to stand up, patting Nik's head once more. "But I'll try to come around your house sometime in the next week or so. We can have a movie night or something?" Caroline smiled, nodding her head.

"That sounds awesome. Maybe we can go shopping and grab a bite as well! You need a break from all those Originals I'm sure." She laughed. I laughed with her, nodding.

"Of course!"

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