Chapter XXXIX: The Greek

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I left the house out the window. I felt like a teenager escaping a grounding to go party. But I had my bag with me and had left the tv on loud with the light off and door locked. I knew they wouldn't let me just leave. I wasn't stupid. And I know what you're thinking. If I was smart I'd stay where I was safe. I'm not going to be alone though.

It took a while to reach my destination. Even driving.. I had no GPS. But once I pulled into the driveway, lugging my bag over my shoulder, I knocked on the door. What if she wasn't home? Where would I go then?

"Vee?" I snapped my eyes up to see Caroline. Her eyes full of worry when she spotted the bag in my hands. "What did they do?" She asked her lips pursing like she understood as she moved to the side to let me in.

"They kept a big secret from me.." I mumbled. Still unsure how I even felt about it. Caroline furrowed her brows as she closed the front door and led me into the living room where Stefan and Bonnie were sitting. Elena had just came in with a bottle of water when she noticed me. Stilling her movement.

"Uh..-" She tried to think of something but I just shook my head.

"I don't blame you for what you did. I probably would have done it myself if it was an option. Also, you don't even know me." I told with a wave of my hand. Elena smiled, nodding. "Besides, you only got me to be with my soulmates. I shouldn't had ran from them."

"Are you not running now?" Bonnie asked, her eyes looking at the bag I held over my shoulder. I sighed, shaking my head.

"I'm not running. I'm not made to run. But I do need to figure things out on my own. I - I just didn't have anywhere else to go." I was beginning to think this was a bad idea. I came to Caroline's and now I was feeling stupid. I didn't want to burden her with my problems.

"Hey, stop that." Caroline said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit on the couch with her. Bonnie was in a chair and Stefan was next to Caroline. Elena came and sat in another chair. "You are always welcomed here. Having four mates can't be an easy thing. You need a break- come here." I smiled, leaning into her arm as she hugged me slightly in comfort. Bonnie looked at me, a bit unsure. I met her eyes as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Did you figure out what you are?" She asked. The unsure in her voice was evident. She didn't know what had bothered me enough for me to leave my mates today and she didn't want to stir that pot. I didn't blame her.

"I did.."

"Wait- what do you mean?" Elena asked, confused.

"Octavia isn't human- well half." Caroline informed her. I looked at her, confused how she knew until she smiled sadly. "I can smell something unnatural about you. I don't know what though."

"You can smell it?" I was horrified. My eyes looked from Caroline to Stefan who was nodding as well. "Oh, god." I whined, my hands covering my face in embarrassment.

"It's not pungent. Don't freak out." Stefan tried to assure me. But I was still horrified. They knew something was different about me this whole time?

"So what did you find out?" Elena asked. She seemed overly curious. Probably trying to find out if I was a danger to her and her human family and friends.

"I'm a siren." I admitted. "Well half." I added quickly. Elena was the first to react. Confused.

"Like the singing mermaids?" I shrugged at her.

"God, I hope not. I would make the worse mermaid." I let out a dry laugh. "I can't even swim." I threw in causing Stefan to snort.

"Sirens are not mermaids." He spoke up. I looked over at him even more confused. "Sirens are like bird humans. Everyone gets that mixed up, but the Greeks had it right."

"I'm a bird?" I repeated slowly. My eyes wide. "Like...wings and all?"

"Wait. How do you know about Sirens?" Caroline interrupted, looking at her boyfriend. Her eyes held suspicion. "Have you met one?" Stefan sighed, nodding.

"Only once." His eyes looked over to meet mine. "Your mother, I assume."

"My mother?"

"Nerifa." Stefan nodded. But I shook my head.

"My mother was Vanessa Miller." I told him. Stefan sighed once more. Probably hating having to tell stories. I don't blame him. Being as old as he was, he probably had to tell stories a lot.

"Nerifa was her siren name." I looked at him shocked that I had never known this. "She lived a long life from what I heard. Longer than my life."

"Sirens live a long time?" Elena questioned. Stefan nodded.

"Nerifa was the last known Siren- well now it's Octavia. But Nerifa was the only one who didn't fail her mission." We all stared at him confused. It seemed to be the running theme of the night. "Back before Vampires and Werewolves were a thing, Sirens would fly the sky's. Their mission to lure ships to their deaths. If they were to sing and not have it end in the death of the one who heard them, they would dive into the ocean and drown." I looked at him completely horrified.

"Explains why you can't swim." Bonnie snorted. I looked over at her in shock of her joke. But her face read she was only trying to lighten the mood. I smiled slightly, nodding.

"Probably why the water scares me so much too." I added with a dry laugh. She smiled back at me. Glad I wasn't offended. Caroline let out a snort of laughter at my poor joke. I glanced over to Stefan as my phone rang. 'Who let the Dogs Out' playing through the house. Everyone looked at me before Stefan let out an unattractive bark of laughter.

"Does Klaus know that thats his ringtone?" He asked. I shook my head with a ghost of a smile. I looked at my phone and took a breath before answering it.

"Where the hell are you!?" Nik shouted in a growl. I really pissed him off just disappearing.

"I'm safe. I just needed to be on my own for a night." I told him calmly. My voice was steady, as I tried to calm him down as well.

"Where. Are. You." He gritted before the phone made some sounds.

"Princess? Where are you? We won't come to you. Just let us know where you are staying tonight." Finn's voice was calm, although having a bit of snap to it. He was afraid, probably hurt, but calm.

"I'm at Caroline's. I'll come home tomorrow." I told him. He hummed quietly, probably nodding to himself.

"Elijah and Kol are on their way back." He told me carefully. "Niklaus had called them when you went to your room. They found a way to get Mikael away from you. They found something to bring the Siren part of you forward."

"What if I don't want to be a siren?" I whispered. Caroline and Bonnie looked at me a bit shocked at my words.

"We'll look into it when you come home tomorrow. I believe Elijah will pick you up-"

"I drove my car. I'll come back when I wake up." Finn hummed in agreement.

"Everything will be okay."

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