Chapter XXII: Relaxing Date Night

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I walked Nik home after running into Caroline. Nik, as soon as I took the collar off, ran into a separate room. Assumingely changing back. I took my jacket and walked it over to the closet, hanging it up. It hadn't rained like we had thought it would. I placed the collar in the closet as well before I felt arms wrap around me from behind causing me to turn around to see Nik.

"That wasn't so bad- was it?" I asked him with a smile on my lips. Nik rolled his eyes at me but a smile was on his face.

"It wasn't as hellacious as I had thought it would be." Nik admitted, leaning towards me and pressing a kiss to my lips. He pulled back before I could kiss back though, causing a pout to appear on my mouth. "Kol is already about to come down to steal you from me. That or make fun of me some more." Nik informed me. I sighed, nodding. But before he could pull away, I leaned in and kissed him hard. He was grinning a I pulled away.

"That was a thanks for going out for a walk with me." I whispered, pulling out of his arms. Nik bit his lip a bit.

"Guess I'll have to do that again then if I get a kiss for it." He responded in a flirty tone. I laughed, shaking my head.

"You never need to do anything to get a kiss from me. But you should probably run before Kol comes down." I told him asI heard the footsteps. Kol was moving at a human pace, probably to give us time before he interrupted. I had a suspicion that they all had an agreement on times allotted to each other. I definitely would not be surprised if that was the case. Nik leaned down, pressing another short kiss to my lips.

"I'm going. but next weekend. We have plans. Just you and I." He told me, taking some charge. I smiled, nodding.

"I'm all yours." I told him before grabbing the collar of his Henley shirt and pulling him to me. My lips pressing to his, kissing him hard. When I pulled back, I pulled at his lip with my teeth. "But remember who's in charge here, Alpha." I winked. Nik stared at me, his eyes flashing yellow as veins spread under his eyes. He was controlling himself. Who knew the big bad alpha needed to lose control. He swallowed visibly before nodding.

"Yes-uh of course." He stammered before clearing his throat. "Have a good night, love." He breathed, kissing my cheek before running off. I smiled at how flustered he was. I loved this. The relationships I had with my mates was all so different. I could literally never be bored or lonely and I love that.

"Have a nice outing, darlin'?" Kol asked as he appeared from around the corner. I was curious how long he had stood there before coming out. Probably a while since he literally is super fast.

"I did." I told him with a smile as he flashed to stand in front of me. A goofy grin on his face. "No picking on your brother. Whatever any of you do with me, should never be a joke to the others." I told him sternly, seeing how he wanted to say something.

Kol's grin dropped into a serious look. His brown eyes staring at me with a slight mischievous glint to them. Stepping towards me.

"Nothing I do with you would give them room to joke. They would be jealous." Kol boasted. His head moving to the side slightly as he hovered over my neck, pressing a small kiss to my skin before moving to my ear. "Oh, the things I want to do to you." He whispered.

A shiver running through me at a mixture of his words and breath. I placed my hands on his chest. Pushing slightly with a smirk on my lips.

"Didn't you say you wanted to spend time with me? I don't think throwing yourself on me in the foyer counts as spending time." I teased. Kol dropped the expression that screamed 'fuck me', and grabbed my hand.

"Just telling you my thoughts, darlin'. But you're right. Lets go." With that he lifted me up, causing a squeal of surprise to leave my mouth before he flashed us upstairs and to his room.

What I saw when we entered the room caused me to pause as he set me down. My eyes narrowing as I turned to look at him. His face had already screwed up into panic and worry.

Now you are probably wondering why he had that look. Or why I was a bit worried even.

See the one thing anyone should know; us black girls do not, under any circumstances, like when people touch our hair. Of course, unless its by a professional in a salon.

On Kol's bed was the ingredients of a disaster. He had some combs, ones that he had probably seen used in some videos. Some jars of what looked to be oils/conditioners and a ton of elastics. There was even a new silk for my hair on the bed.

"Its a terrible idea isn't it? Oh, god. I spent the last 14hours watching these videos and researching how to do these braides... I remember hearing you say how it takes hours to do your hair-I just thought-" I stopped his panic rant by kissing him. His hands moving to rest on my hips, kissing me back. When I pulled back, he was dazed looking. Like he had forgotten what he was talking about.

"If you are confident-" I swallowed my nerves before continuing, still unsure of my decision. "Then you can do my hair." I told him. Kol grinned with so much excitement. I held my hand up before he could get too excited though. "No scissors. No chemicals. You pull or break any of this off and I'll shave your head completely." I warned him with a glare. Kol looked a bit frightened, before nodding.

You can't blame me. It literally took me years to get my natural hair this long. My healthy coilly hair was something a lot of girls would be jealous of. But, it meant I had never used chemicals, heat or anything on it. I washed it when needed and styled it accordingly.

Kol grabbed my hand, tugging me to the bed.

"I also thought we could watch a movie. I haven't had a chance to catch up too much on the modern world, so maybe something classic? Or amazing?" Kol questioned, handing me the remote, showing that Netflix was on the screen, but I noticed he had accounts on most of the streaming networks so I had to think about it for a moment.

A smile spreading on my face as I thought of a movie I hadn't seen in a while. As I sat on the bed, Kol got behind me, placing a pillow against my back so I was comfy. I changed from Netflix to Hulu, knowing it had what I had wanted. Kol was currently lightly touching my hair- which was in a slight afro today from the lack of wanting to doing anything with it.

"Kol- if you are planning on doing my hair.. grow some balls and do it. Before I change my mind." I told him warningly. He grabbed a comb with a rat tail to it before seeing how to part it. I let him get comfortable with what he was doing before turning on the movie. His eyes glancing up to see what I had chosen.

"Can't buy me love?" He questioned. I smiled, nodding only for him to grab my head, keeping me from movie.

"It was a movie I used to watch with my mom on her days off. She was always pushing the 80s on me. Also- Patrick Dempsey is a stud." I told him as the movie began. It was one of my favorites that I would watch with her. Sure I could have picked something more keen to Kol's attention span. Like Star Wars or Harry Potter. His child like mind would love those. But the fact was that he had his hands in my hair- and I didn't want him distracted. So choosing a romance was the right choice.


Kol had pulling at my hair as gently as he could for the duration of the movie. His attention was half on the movie since he kept pointing out how stupid the main guy was acting. Not that I could blame him. It was on the part where Dempsey's character let the popularity take over him. He was being stupid.

"What an idiot." Kol muttered as he adjusted his hands some. I laughed as I heard him let out a soft groan.

"Hands cramping up yet?" I questioned, teasingly.

"Don't poke the bear, darlin'." Kol warned.

"I believe Koala bears are fine being poked." I laughed. Kol tugged a little to hard on my hair causing me to reach down and pinch his thigh. "Watch it." I huffed. I knew from his snickering he was rather enjoying this.

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