Chapter XLII: Guilt and Grief

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Loss. A feeling in itself. Whether you feel loss in the world you are living in. Or maybe you loss someone. No matter what- the feeling is not the best.

The feeling of your stomach twisting. Your heart dropping to the pits of hell. A cold feeling running through your veins. Your brain doesn't seem to know what to do- how to act. What do you think about when you potentially loss something? Something that meant so much to you that you would give anything to have them back.

Feeling like your soul had been ripped from your body. Humanity on a shaky teeter- like a seesaw of whether it should be on or off. Emotions run rapid. Do you cry? Do you scream in anger? Do you just lose yourself in your mind? Daze out and eat your emotions? Or become something you're not?

What do you do? How should you react?

Elijah for one, did not know. And some would argue that he knew a lot. The moment the phone had gone to a dial tone, his brothers came bursting into his room demanding what was happening. They had wasted no time in leaving the house and looking for her.

Niklaus started by calling Caroline who had been in bed and didn't even know that Octavia had left. But as soon as she heard, she left the house with Stefan to look for her. Bonnie was currently doing a tracking spell using the Mikaelson's blood since they had nearly completed the bonds. Finn and Kol were already out running around. Elijah was running around with Nik. The brothers were separated in pairs to look for her.

Finn was the one to catch scent of her blood. Kol and Finn were outside of town heading south when the wind blew just right and the sweet alluring smell filtered into this senses. She was about ten miles out of Mystic Falls. Driven off of a cliff that landed into a forest of overgrowth. Her silver car was flipped upside down with a tree stabbed through the hood into the dash board. The windshield completely shattered.

Glass had embedded itself into Octavia's forehead. Blood seeping out of the small wound. The tree that went through the dash had torn through her torso. She was a bloody torn mess. Finn stared at her. Kol had tears in his eyes. But she wasn't dead. They were all alive still. If she actually died then they would. But seeing her like this was killing them just as easily.

Finn shook his head looking at Kol who had pulled out his phone and was already calling Elijah and Nik who had gone the opposite direction of them. Finn moved to bite his wrist, wanting to heal her, but Kol stopped him immediately.

"This is it, Finn." Kol told his older brother. "The only way Octavia is going to survive is if she gives into her Siren half." Finn shook his head.

"She doesn't want- she didn't want that." Finn argued.

"But your blood won't heal her. You know this. Siren's don't heal from Vampire blood. They can't turn into Vampires. Remember?" Kol tried to explain to his brother. He knew that Octavia didn't want this. But they had no choice. They couldn't do anything. For Octavia to become her true self, she would have to die- well a part of her would have to die. At the last moment her siren blood would save her. Which is why the brothers wouldn't die.

"She didn't want this." Finn breathed out as he pulled the car door off so he could get to her. Kol sighed, moving to pull the tree out of the car. It didn't take long for Nik and Elijah to arrive, helping free Octavia from the mess of her car. Nik was the one to pull her from the wreckage. Being careful not to damage her even more. He pulled her close to him as small tears left his ocean eyes. But the ocean in his eyes looked to have turned into a storm.

"She'll be okay." Nik said in a low whisper. "She'll be okay." He repeated. Elijah kneeled next to him as Finn stood away. He felt like it was his fault this happened. He should have been more demanding. He should have gone and got her from Carolines. He shouldn't have played the good guy. That was something he always did.

"She'll be okay." Finn repeated Nik. Kol looked at his older brother, walking over to him.

"Let's get her home, okay?" Finn nodded as Elijah took Octavia's mangled body out of Nik's arm and they ran off towards home.


"I feel like I'm going crazy." Kol growled in anger. Elijah and Kol had decided to leave the bedroom for Finn and Nik to watch Octavia. It wouldn't do them any good if they were all waiting by her bed. "What if she fights-"

"She won't." Elijah shook his head from the armchair he was sitting in.

"How do you know?" Kol asked, looking at his brother in annoyance and anger. "All you're doing is drinking. You don't know anything!" Kol threw his hand out causing his own glass to fall from the desk and shatter. His hand went to his hair shakily. Hot tears leaving his brown eyes.

"Kol.." Elijah tried, standing up and placing his drink down carefully. But a shout from upstairs pulled their attention. They looked at each other before running out of the room and up the stairs. They were left in shock of what they saw when they entered Octavia's room.

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