Chapter: XLVII: Bad Girl

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A few days had passed since everything had changed and settled into place. Between staying in one of my mates rooms constantly to making movie nights a daily norm. Finn and Nik were the most possessive of me. Always near me. By my side. Kol and Elijah stayed back a bit more, probably so I didn't feel too suffocated.

Right now it was a rainy day and I had vowed to not leave the house because of the storm. The power kept flickering on and off as I sat in Nik's art studio. He had been sketching my wings from memory since they were so magnificent. His words, not mine.

I was laying in the Chaise that he had near some bookcases. Just laying there all dramatic.

"You've been sighing for half an hour, love." Nik spoke up. His amusement showing in his voice as he looked at me.

"And yet, you are just now asking me why I am." I muttered as I turned my head to meet his gaze. Nik let out a snort, shaking his head.

"Actually, I only pointed it out." He said in all of the sass. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't be rude." I scolded, as Nik stood up and made his way over to me. I closed my eyes as I waited for him to do something. But a wet paintbrush ran over my face causing me to snap my eyes open. Nik staring down at me with a childish gleam in his eyes and a large paintbrush dipped with a bright orange paint. "Did you just-" I stopped my accusation as he grinned.

My eyes snapped away from him as I spot a paintbrush to the side of him stuck out of a can of paint. Nik followed my gaze, grin dropping as I moved quickly to grab the paint brush that had blue paint on it and swiped it at Nik's nose. A long line of blue paint trailed down the bridge of his nose to his lips. Nik stared at me, narrowing his eyes at me before launching himself at me.

A shriek left my lips as I ran from him and grabbed the bucket of blue paint- which was not really a bucket, more like a small cup of paint, turned around as Nik was about to catch me and threw the contents at him. A large splatter of blue paint covered half of his face and small streaks on the other side. Nik was frozen. As if he couldn't believe I had just tossed paint on him.

"Yo-what-" Nik stuttered out. His eyes narrowed at me again as he stepped back. I watched as he walked over to his art supplies, grabbing a container that held a variety of colors in it before turning to look at me. A wicked smirk on his face as he looked at me. "You're going to regret that, love." I swallowed hard as I stepped back. A smile pulling at my lips at the excitement running through me.

"Now.. Nik..Think about this.." I trailed off, my hands held up to keep him from me. Nik shook his head as he stepped towards me slowly. I moved to step back but the moment I glanced away from him he grabbed me. A squeal of surprise escaped me as I laughed as painted was poured over my head. Nik's arms wrapped around me as he held me in place. Turning in his arms I looked at him. Paint dripping down my face- thankfully, not going near my eyes.

I reached up and wiped some of the paint off my face and lightly ran my hand over his face and into his hair. Nik's eyes stared into mine as I let out a small laugh.

"Do I look prettier, gorgeous?" He asked. His accent thick as he spoke. That was something I just loved. When he was feeling desire wash over him- when he was just a moment from wanting to slam me into a wall... his accent just came out full blown. I loved it.

"Very sexy, Alpha." I whispered in a soft breathy tone. I watched as Nik's eyes flashed at me. When I called him Alpha, it was like he was fighting for control. Trying to keep himself from attacking me with his mouth. His arms moved so his hands could settle on my hips. Gripping tightly as he seemed to be glaring at me- but I knew better. He was fighting himself.

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