Chapter LVI: Flutter

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I stared at Elijah as he stared back at me. My mind racing a mile a minute. I had no idea what he was saying, but I noticed his lips were moving. His eyebrow arched as he went to pull me to him but I placed my hand on his chest. Sliding off of him and trying to stand up. Elijah wasted no time in helping me steady myself, standing in front of me.

"How- how do you even know??" I questioned. The first question that made it out of my lips without too much of a gibberish sound.

"Yesterday when you came home with Kol-"

"Home with Kol...Does he know too? How- I don't understand how you can tell- I don't even know." Elijah placed his hands on my waist gently.

"Calm down, Octavia." He told me in a soft but stern tone. His eyes penetrating my own. I nodded as he continued to talk. "I can hear the fast flutter of a heartbeat in your stomach. I doubt Kol knows- when he goes on a killing spree he tends to not pay attention to the little things."

"A flutter?" I repeated slowly. Elijah nodded.

"Like the sound of wings- It's similar to your heartbeat." I blinked at him before nodding again. I moved to take a step before my knees began to give out. Light headed. Elijah grabbed me quickly. "When was the last time you ate?" He questioned.

"I uh-" I tried to place the thought in my head of when I last ate, but was coming up blank.

"Kol didn't feed you?" Elijah looked annoyed at the thought that his brother hadn't taken care of their mate.

"I'm not a pet, I can take care of myself." I huffed as he began to pull his shirt over my body to cover me. Elijah then began to lead me to the door to guide me to the kitchen I suppose.

"I'm not saying you are an animal. But Kol still should have made sure you ate." Elijah explained, careful not to step on any toes.

I sighed, keeping my thoughts to myself as he led me into the kitchen. I didn't know all of my mates were home and up, along with Rebekah and her mate Kieran.

I wonder when they got here.

Finn was currently cooking up breakfast, something he had begun to do all the time, especially since my accident. Kol and Nik were bickering back and forth about something that I couldn't hear. And Rebekah and Kieran were watching Kol and Nik.

But the moment that Elijah and I entered the kitchen, everyone went silent and I swear there ears twitched. Was that even possible? And why is it always when I enter a room it goes quiet?

Finn placed the spatula he had down and flashed in front of me. His eyebrows furrowed as he stared at me. Well not me. My stomach. Well, if they didn't know before, they do now.

"How-" Finn began but he could get the question out. Nik and Kol were staring at me intensly. Kol more confused than the rest. Probably since he hadn't noticed anything odd yesterday.

"That is something I'm curious to know as well." Elijah said as he left my side, leaving me to stand with Finn as he moved to grab a glass and pour a bit of orange juice in it before bringing it to me. Finn guided me to sit at the bar stool. His hand on my back as he kept his eyebrows furrowed.

I was afraid if he concentrated much more he might hurt himself.

"One of you knuckleheads knocked her up?" Rebekah questioned. Her face was a mixture of confusion, sass and jealousy. But she also had a hit of excitement.

I knew she wanted a family of her own. And she was probably afraid she would never have it. I had faith in her though.

"It's not possible, is it?" Kol asked, his eyes leaving me for a moment as he looked to his older brother in question. Elijah would be the only one to know anything about this if anyone would.

"I don't know." That was probably the scariest thing Elijah could say. If he didn't know, then who would?

"As curious as I am, I believe we have other things to discuss as well." Nik spoke up. His eyes looking at me as if I had done something wrong. "Kol says the voice came back?" His question made my stomach drop.

"I- only for a moment." I offered with a slight shrug. I could see the concern in all of their eyes. Kieran and Rebekah both looked at me confused.

"Voice? You're hearing voices? Like the one you heard when you drove off that cliff??" Bekah questioned. Finn growled at the memory of the accident as he placed some runny eggs and buttered toast in front of me. Elijah placed a sliced up bowl of strawberrys and blueberrys with it in front of me too.

Oh, god. Their going to try and fatten me up.

"I'm fine-" I tried, but Kol wasn't having it. His hands slammed down on the table in front of him causing me to jump in alarm.

"Don't lie!" He growled. Clearly he was taking this way to seriously. Nik and Finn both glared at Kol for scaring me slightly before they looked back at me.

"I'm not lying." I told Kol with a narrow of my eyes. "The voice is gone now. Maybe my siren was tired and the voice just saw an opening-"

"That's not normal." Kieran spoke up in his thick accent. "Hearing voices is something you should be worried about. Especially if it had caused you to drive off a cliff." He added. I frownd at him, but sighed with a nod. Picking at the berrys in the bowl. The eggs were making my stomach clinch uncomfortably.

"Does the voice sound like you?" Nik questioned. "Does it sound like your inner monolog or something?"

I shook my head. Noticing Finn narrowing his eyes at me as I pushed the plate of eggs away from me.

"You need to eat." He told me sternly. I shook my head at him, avoiding looking at the eggs as he pushed it back to me.

"So the voice doesn't sound like you and you never thought to worry?" Kol asked in an annoyed tone. I don't think I had ever really heard him mad at me before. It didn't help my stomach that was flipping at the look of the eggs.

"It's always been there. Since I was sixteen." I shrugged as I slowly pushed the plate away again, making sure Finn wasn't looking when I did.

"Sixteen?" Kieran repeated. His blue eyes looked to Bekah in question before he looked back at me. "So since you found out you had mates in the supernatural world?" Kol let out a long growl of annoyance.

"You really didn't notice that???" He pushed as Finn pushed the plate back to me.

"Kol, thats enough." Elijah ordered his baby brother.

"No! It's really not. This voice could be someone trying to get our mate and you all are acting like its nothing!! Shes pregnant now!!! What the hell are we going to do??"

"Kol.." I started, pushing the plate away again as my stomach kept flipping. The smell of the egg and seeing the yolk running down the side into the toast, causing me to swallow harshly.

"Octavia, this is serious." Kol told me. His eyes stern. Void of that childish gleam they usually had. "I can't lose you." He breathed out quietly from where he sat. His eyes staring into mine.

That was the moment my stomach decided it was done. I stood up quickly and ran to the trash can, gaging as stomach acid ran up my throat and out into the can. I felt a hand on my back, rubbing soothing circles on it.

"Definitely pregnant." Nik sighed as he rubbed my back carefully. I groaned as more pushed its way up.

"That's enough for now. Octavia should rest for a bit. Finn, take her upstairs. I'll bring up some ginger tea." Elijah ordered. I loved it when he took charge. If I wasn't puking right now, I'd even say it was sexy.

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