Chapter LXI: Home

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Finn had his arms wrapped tightly around me. I knew it was his way of keeping me from fading away. We had a talk not too long ago about it-


Finn hugged me tighter as his breath warmed my neck. It was comforting. Like an anchor I didn't know I needed.

"I'm so afraid I'll open my eyes and you'll be gone." He mumbled into my neck. The worry in his voice alarming me enough to turn in his embrace.

"What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere." I reassured, my hand cupping his cheek and making him look at me.

"When I was daggered... I always had the same nightmare." He told me carefully, like he was afraid it was the reality he was living. "That I would find my soulmate only for you to be ripped out of my arms."

Finn's hazel eyes glistened a bit with the ghosts that haunted him. Like I could almost see the nightmares he were afraid of. Leaning upwards, I pressed my lips to his. A long and love filled exchange before I pulled back and stared at him. It took him a minute to reopen his eyes. A bit more relaxed than a second ago.

"I am not going anywhere. Even if I die, I would be here haunting you and your brothers." I tried to push a bit of humor into the situation. Trying to pull a smile from him, which seemed to have worked.

"Haunt us?" He repeated, leaning down and capturing my lips for a second. Pulling my lip with him when he pulled back. "Does that mean you would surprise us with random-"

"Blowjobs. Yes. I fully intend to Ghost sex the lot of you." I laughed causing Finn to follow in my footsteps. "It would take some time to perfect- but I reckon I can be keeping you all happy for so many years to come."

"Hmm" Finn hummed before pushing his face back into my neck. His lips dragging along the column of my throat before wrapping around my earlobe and tugging gently. "I think I'll just hold on a bit tighter to you. No harm will come of you then." He breathed, flicking his tongue over the shell of my ear, a small moan leaving my lips.

End of Flashback.

"We need to get that pizza Nik ordered for you." Finn murmured into my hair, his arms staying tightly wound around me showing no sign of moving. I let out a small hum as I moved closer to him. The warmth feeling like home.

"Move then." I mumbled back to him. I listened as Finn chuckled before pressing his lips to my head.

"You first." He responded against me. Another hum came from me before snuggling closer.

"It was your idea." I let out a giggle as his fingers pressed along my sides. The abrupt movement caused the baby to stir in my stomach. Flipping around and kicking a leg or maybe that was an arm out. Finn pulled his head away from my hair and looked down to see my stomach pressing against his. A smile stretching across his face as his hand moved to press against my stomach where the baby had stirred. "Hmm seems like Cletus the Fetus did not appreciate that." Finn snapped his eyes from my stomach to my eyes. Furrowed brows showing his confusion.

"Cletus the- no. Vee, no." Finn laughed, his hand rubbing along my bare stomach as he shook his head.

"Well, what else are we supposed to call it? I'm not calling the baby, it, for the whole pregnancy." I told him as I sat up, reaching around to grab his long sleeve shirt and pulling it over myself. Another free shirt for my growing collection.

"Aren't we finding out what the gender is in a few weeks? We can decide on a name then." Finn pointed out. I shook my head.

"I don't know. Cletus the Fetus is growing on me." I told him as I stood up and watched as he pulled on his boxers and jeans. "Unless you prefer You-Know-Who?" I joked, causing Finn to laugh at me before walking up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"So our child is Voldemort?" He questioned with a raised brow. I shrugged my shoulders before stepping up on my toes to press my lips to his.

"I mean, one of you is the father-" Finn laughed before scooping me up in his arms and carrying me out of the room. Thankfully my ass was covered by his arm holding the shirt in place. Even with a big belly, the shirt still some how covered me nicely.

"Maybe if the father is Niklaus or Kol." Finn told me before he began to descend the staircase. The smell of pizza and the sound of chatter echoed into my ears as I rolled my eyes at Finn.

"So you or Elijah means its clear?"

"No, Elijah would make more of another Snape or maybe Dumbledore." He joked before he placed me down on my feet and we walked into the living area where Elijah was sat with Nik and Kol talking. My pizza in the middle of the coffee table.

"'Lijah!" I jolted forward and jumped on him. His arms instantly wrapping around me and pulling me to straddle his lap so I could face him. But I just shoved my face into his neck and hugged him. "You were gone too long." I whispered against his skin.

"It wasn't that long." Elijah told me with a slight chuckle, his arms hold me tightly but carefully. "And by the sounds of it, my brothers have been taking care of you." He added as his eyes looked to Finn who was smirking.

"Yo-you heard that?" I stuttered as I pulled back to look at him. Elijah had the ghost of a smirk on his lips before he leaned in and pressed his smooth lips to mine. Elijah let out a hum of satisfaction as he pulled back.

"Did you drink your smoothie?" He questioned. His eyes already holding the heavy stare of knowing I was going to lie about it. Challenging me to do it.

"I- Cletus didn't want it." I told him confidently once I found my grounding. Elijah furrowed his eyebrows at me as Finn snorted. They might have been listening when I was being spanked to climax, but they gave us privacy on talking. That made my heart swell. The fact that I still got privacy when I was talking to someone- it meant more than they would understand.

"Cletus is the baby." Finn jumped in with the explanation. Kol looked from Finn to me before bursting into laughter.

"Wait-Wait! Cletus the Fetus?! Oh, god." Kol leaned forward in his seat resting his elbows on his knees before running his hands over his face. I let out a small laugh at the amusement that Kol had found in my humorous joke.

"The baby will not be called that." Nik spoke up from his spot. A small smile on his lips showing he did find it funny.

"Awh, come on Nikkie! It's not that bad." I whined in his direction, staying in my spot on Elijah's lap. His fingers running along my naked thigh, causing my stomach to heat up.

"We can discuss this later. You should eat something." Elijah told me, pulling my attention back. I smiled at him, nodding. I went to get up but Elijah's hand held me in place. Finn walked over and grabbed a slice of pizza, bringing it to me which I gladly accept and began to eat.

"So where did you go, anyway?" I questioned in between bites. Elijah shook his head, reaching up and wiping a small bit of pizza sauce from the corner of my lips.

"I went to find information on supernatural pregnancy." Elijah told me as I gazed into his eyes like this was a telenovela.

"Did you find anything?" I urged him. Elijah reached next to him, holding a tattered looking notebook. Like a journal or something.

"This was your mothers."

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